Sticky Situation

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[The episode opens up with the Furious Five eating in the Jade Palace kitchen, Viper is encouraging Mantis to eat.]

Viper: Come on Mantis, you have to eat something. [Sets a bowl in front of him.]

Mantis: [Sighs] I can't. My stomach feels like I've been drinkin' from the cup of heartbreak and sorrow. [Sighs]

[Po and Sonic walk in.]

Po: Did you try salt?

Crane: It's not that. Mantis' girlfriend dumped him, and now he won't eat.

Mantis: [Sighs again] She was the most beautiful caterpillar you ever saw, then one day, poof, she becomes a butterfly. Now it's like, I don't even know her.

Tigress: Romantic entanglements upset one's chi, that's why I avoid them.

Monkey: Yeah, that's the reason.

Viper: (Good thing, I don't dump Sonic or break up with him. I would never. I love him so much.)

Po: Oh Man-tis, you gotta eat. No eaty no energy, no energy no trainy, no trainy no...

Mantis: Why-y are you-y talking like that-y?

Sonic: Because it's adorable...

Po: Ooh me and Sonic know just the dish to sooth your tiny broken heart. [Jumps to the corner and does the splits to reach the higher shelves] Need a few bean paste dumplings, [Puts dumplings in a bowl] liberal portion of honey, [Pours a jar of honey on the dumplings] some sticky plum sauce, extra sticky, [pours sauce on the dumplings]

Sonic: And our own super secret ingredient.

[Sonic sprinkles a sand-like substance on the dumpling dish.]

Crane: Isn't that what we patch walls with?

Po: So! Now we patch a broken heart. Now just give it a little bit of a stir [Stir the dumplings with chopsticks] and voila! Po and Sonic's famous sticky dumplings. Try one Mantis. [Walks over to Mantis.]

Mantis: Thanks, guys. [Opens his mouth. Po pushes the dumpling into Mantis' face, making him stuck] I seem to be stuck on your dumpling.

Po: Oops! [Chuckles nervously] [Mantis remains stuck to the dumpling as Po lifts the chopsticks from the table.] I guess I kinda went overboard with the sticky.

Sonic: You think?

[Po tries to get Mantis unstuck by waving the chopsticks violently through the air.]

Mantis: Not... as much fun... as it looks.

[Po bumps into Tigress' chair while swinging Mantis around.]

Tigress: This is ridiculous. [Gets up] Here.

[Tigress grabs Mantis and pulls along with Po.]

Mantis: Po! Po!

[Mantis becomes unstuck causing Po and Tigress to fall back. Po falls into a wall and Tigress falls into the table, flipping it. The five and Sonic end up in a pileup next to the flipped table. Shifu walks in.]

Shifu: Mealtime is over, let's train.

[Shifu walks away, the five follow, and Sonic. Po remains on the floor with a sticky dumpling stuck to his nose.]

Po: [Sits up] Uh, b-but I just made... I mean it seems like a shame to waste the... and... [Tugs at the sticky dumpling on his nose] Maybe I'll just... [Rips the dumpling off his nose, yelling in pain. He prepares to eat it when Shifu calls.]

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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