Baseball in a drama class

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After 35 minutes of chaotic noise and dramatic acting, we're up first to perform.

"You guys know your positions and exaggerations?" Ralph asks in a serious tone. We all nod in agreement before Mr. Evans shouts "ACTION!" Ralph clears his throat, nodding at Daniel. He holds his hands around his mouth, forming an O shape around his mouth.

"BATTER UPPPP." He hurls, glancing a look at me. Me and Marley sprint across the room and take our places across each other at 2 ends of the room with Ralph at the other far side. "HEYYY BATTER BATTER SWANGG" Ralph continues. I hear a hum of students whispering. Daniel positions himself sideways, in front of Ralph, and holds up his rolled up paper. Ralph fake laughs at his stance, "ready to embarrass yourself tiger?"

"Not ever gonna happen Maddon. Are you ready to be impressed? Not only by my athleticness, but how well my biceps look when I hit your weak curveball?" The class shouts occasional 'OH!'s and some laughter continues. Ralph shakes his head, and over-exaggeratingly bends over backwards and raises his leg wayy over his head that makes me question his flexibility. That earns some laughs from the audience, including myself. He lets out a loud groan as he hurls the paper ball forward. Daniel twists his body, hits the paper ball, and lets go of the paper as he begins running towards me.

"YeAahHH!" He yells with his arms over his head. The class cheers, eyes glued to Daniel. Just as we'd rehearsed, me and Marley are yelling our lungs out, shouting at him to run faster.

"Where ya think ya goin cat?" Ralph yells as he runs after Daniel with a little skippy hop in his step, with his arms out toward him. The two look like 6 year olds as they run 2 rounds around the room, with Daniel occasionally stumbling, almost falling 3 times, but every time he balances himself by touching the ground with the tips of his fingers. Ralph stays on his tail with his hand flailing behind Daniel's head. The audience was now standing, pumped to see where our performance ends.

"How's the view from always being behind me Maddon?" Laughs Daniel.

"Not great, coming since you're running with your ass sticking out. I do not want to be seein that Tige."

"OHHHHH. So you're looking at my ass now Maddon!? I get it, don't worry, I'm used to it by now."

"LANGUAGE!" Shouts Mr Evans, but he looks amused as I turn to look at him. Now this wasn't rehearsed, Daniel turns the corner, but doesnt slow like we talked about. He's speeding towards me, unable to stop.

"SOFIA MOVE!" He yells mere inches away from me, but I couldn't move in time, not before I hear Ralph scream, "SHITTT- '' CRASH- Both boys crash directly into me. I feel myself tumbling and rolling on the floor just as I see Mr Evans stand up.

"Are you all okay?" He asks the three of us with concern in his eyes. Marley runs up behind him, with our classmates around us.

"Crap. Crap- Sofia are you alright?" Utters Ralph, holding his arm on my forearm.

"Yeah, are you good?" Mutters Daniel, ''I'm so sorry it's my fault, I couldn't-" I suddenly start busting out laughing holding my hand to my heart. I don't care that my classmates were watching, or that they may be judging. Daniel looks at me blankly, but Ralph now snickers as he stands up. He helps me up as I brush off my dress.

"That looked hard, you okay?" Asks Marley, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, that was fun, no?"

"Yeah! We got the whole class standing."

"Your bows a bit-" whispers Ralph pointing at the top of my head. "Undone?"

"Oh?" I reach up and tug on the long ribbon. Obviously, I'm not doing a very exceptional job, because Ralph reaches up and ties it for me without saying a word. It's an uncomfortable moment actually, Ralph hovering above me, arms wrapped around my head. Me standing stiff while Marley and Daniel watch, awkwardly glancing at each other.

"Ralph, pal, you're doing quite an awful job." Daniel smacks Ralph on the shoulder, which ricocheted to my hair being tugged backward. Ralph's eyebrows are tied together, and his lips are pursed...not that I was watching his face, but mildly observing. He glances down at my eyes several times, and I notice his adams apple bobbing up and down every time his swallows. My stomach feels as if its jumping from the inside, buzzing? No. Vibrating... maybe? I feel his fingers shaking slightly along my scalp, why would he be nervous? Marley sighs and pushes him aside.

"Ug, back off you skank." She re-ties the ribbon for me in the quickest second until the next skit is up. 

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