incorrect quotes 7

44 2 2

I won't stop

The gentleman: you three, explain. Now.

Mr cheese: BRO DID IT!

Captain: BRO DID IT!

bro: BRO DID IT!


Bro: damn it.

Stoner: vegetable oil is mad from vegetables, coconut oil is made from coconut, so does that mean baby oil is made from-

Captain: STONER, one dinner! PLEASE!


Mr cheese: who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth.

Engineer: your a hazard to society.

Bro: and a coward, DO 20!!

Veteran: if I punch myself and it hurts does that mean I'm really strong or really weak.

Player: I think it means your strong.

Mr cheese: nah, I think it means your weak.

The gentleman: I think your just an idiot.

Captain: for self defense purposes, I'm gonna pretend to be a mugger. You guys have to act wisely.

Bro: ok.

Stoner: sure.


bro: bold of you to assume I have any money.

Stoner: bold of you to assume I want to live.

Captain: guy, no-

Bro: baggy sneezed earlier and instead of saying bless you, I accidentally told him to shut the f*ck up.

Greaser: how did you manage to accidentally say that.

Bro,shrugging: I'm used to talking to engineer or player.

Engineer:I've got the sharpest memory here, name one thing I've ever forgotten.

Captain: you left my at little Caesars yesterday.

Engineer: that was on purpose, try again.

Player: I love when veteran is asleep.

Player: he looks so peaceful, so happy.

Player,pulling out a marker: it also makes him extremely vulnerable!

Gnome: what's a word thats a mix between sad and mad.

Engineer: disgruntled, miserable, desolated-

Captain: smad.

Bro: your giving me a sticker.

Baggy: not just any sticker, it's a sticker with a cat on it saying "me-wow".

Bro: I'm not a preschooler.

Baggy: ok, Ill take it back if you don't-

Bro: woah, back off! I earned this sticker.

Engineer: isn't it weird that we pay money to see others?

Player: plane tickets?

Gnome: concert tickets?

Stoner: prostitution?

Engineer,holding his broken frames:glasses...

Gnome: when I said bring me back something from the beach I meant like a seashell or something.

Engineer, holding a seagull: well you didn't really specify that, did you?


Baggy: do you wanna know how hardcore I am!?

Baggy: punches wall.


Baggy,tearing up: take me to the hospital.


Captain: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.

Player: wasn't veteran with you?

Veteran: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.

Engineer: we need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.

Stoner:.....your what?

Engineer: my friends.

Bro: is he saying "friends".

Mr egg: I think he's being sarcastic.

Bday: no,no,no. This is delirium. He's cracked from being awake all night. Hey, engineer!! All your "friends" are in the other room.

Engineer: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I mad new friends! It was a task, I complete tasks.

Player: good morning.

Captain: good morning.

Mr cheese: good morning.

The gentleman: you all sound like robots, try spicing it up a little.


Blondie: tell them off baggy, assert your dominance.

Baggy: that's my icecream!

Blondie: great, now let 'em have it!

Baggy: you can have it :)

Blondie: wait no-

(Player is 14 in this one)

Alan: I'm not mad, player? I totally did this when i was your age, and I can't control the things you do, but..... Why do you need a fake Id.

Player: mumbling under his breath

Alan: what?

Player,sighing: you need to be 18 or over to hold the dogs at Petco.


Player: why do you always attack us with words?

Bro: would you rather I use rocks?


Engineer: I'm an idiot.




Mr cheese:



The gentleman:




Stoner: if your waiting for one of us to disagree, this will be a long day.

The gentleman: WHY, why did you give Mr cheese a KNIFE!?

Mr egg: I'm sorry, he said he felt unsafe.

The gentleman: now I feel unsafe!

Mr egg: I'm sorry.

Mr egg:....would you like a knife?


I hit 723 words on this!

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