The Third Month

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"What is this?" I asked as Erik placed a bowl of the aforementioned 'dark green leafy things' before me at dinner that night.

"As I've said, you need folate. But don't worry, I'll be joining you, I would not let you suffer alone," he sat down and ate a forkful of the wilted leaves. "Urgh..." It was actually sort of sweet. The almighty Opera Ghost making faces like a child as he ate his greens. I pictured him as a little boy — precocious, of course — and wondered if he'd kicked up a fuss over food as I once had.

"Erik, you must be joking, we can't just eat this!"

"Alright, I do jest. Here," he said as he slid an entrecôte steak fillet onto the bed of leaves. "But be warned, yours is well done, there are to be no undercooked foods for you for a while."

"On the subject of food, I'm pleased to see that you've put on some weight," I remarked, quite innocently.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I mean to say that you look healthy now, not like a walking skeleton, but like a man. You must feel better for the nutrition?"

"Well, yes. I admit that I've been attempting to look after myself more since you came to me. I've only missed a few meals."

"You shouldn't be missing any!"

He just laughed and unfolded his napkin. Overcome, I smiled and reached for his hand. For as much joy as I had experienced with Raoul that past month, it had all faded away with one look at my masked angel. I'd returned to him that morning not knowing what to tell him. Torn between goodbye and the utter desolation I knew I'd feel at never seeing him again, never touching him again. "Thank you, Erik. There aren't the right words to express how you...there just aren't the words."

He reached for my hand. "I've missed you, Christine. I always miss you, but this month more so than ever."

"I can stay with you for a while," I blurted out before I could stop myself.

"How so?"

"Raoul's away on business. He left for London this morning."

"I see, and do you not think the servants will wonder where their Vicomtesse has fled to?"

"Well actually, I would have an alibi... Meg recently had a son, I'd been talking about visiting her for few days, perhaps those days turn to weeks if she needs help with the baby?" I looked up at him through my lashes, certain my expression portrayed an odd mixture of guilt and seduction. "If you would have me, of course?"

"It would be an honour to host you, my Christine." His.

"And you wouldn't mind if I stayed for a while?"

"Stay forever," he said as he leaned in to kiss me.

We made love again that night and afterwards I watched her sleep by my side. I vowed then and there that I would do whatever it took to give the woman I loved a baby. I'd pour myself into further research, look after myself as I never had, hell, I'd even pray every day to the God I'd turned my back on that He would grant her this. Whatever I'd done in my lifetime, let her not suffer because of it. Only He knew what had driven her to choose me to father her child but I counted myself blessed as a result. I begged Him that even if I never knew the child, and had to release Christine back to the care of her husband, I would willingly sacrifice my own happiness for hers.

The following day whilst Christine was out shopping I nervously paid a visit to the doctor. Showing him my face was horrible, but inevitable.

"It is unlikely a child of yours will inherit the deformity, Monsieur. As for the lack of success thus far, take heart. My wife and I suffered the same fate, now we are blessed with three beautiful daughters!"

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