"Epiphany of self Revelation?" 3

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Taking a deep breath, you muster up the courage to approach your parents. With each step closer to them, your heart pounds louder in your chest. As you stand before them, their warm smiles reassure you, but the weight of your question still hangs heavy in the air."Mom, Dad," you begin, your voice trembling slightly. "There's something I need to talk to you about."Their expressions shift to concern, and they invite you to sit down with them. With a shaky voice, you recount the incident from three days ago, each word feeling like a confession.

Your parents listen intently, their faces reflecting a mix of shock, nervous and surprise. When you finish, there's a moment of silence as they process what you've shared.

The room was drowing with silence. Me and my parents were now just staring into the depth of each other's eyes. They were sitting there as if I have asked them their life. "Mom, Dad say something" you said nearly tearing up. "It's time we tell her Remie" my dad said to my mom."No we can't, we decided we will tell her when it's the right time". "We have to, Remie after all we don't have much time now". "But-" I cut off my mom, "But what mom, please tell me I can't get that night scenario out of my head, I need explanation".

"Fine" my mom said with a heavy sigh. "We are not your parents".
The thing I feared the most, the worst case out of all thoughts that ramaged through my head.

"You are lying right" I said smiling and crying at the same time I can't tell how I felt that it was like that suddenly the people whom you trusted the most, whom you were you can trust your life with became a nobody.

"We are your grandchildren"

Wha.....what did they just say they..they are my grandchildren, what in the multiverse do they mean!?Did my ears just heard a sound in vaccum?!

"What do you mean, you're my grandchildren?"

They said in unison.

"Is there anything else?"



"You are brought here by time travel, you are a Interdimensional migrant."

"You do not belong to this dimension you are brought from another verse."

"Which verse?"

"The Milky Way galaxy."


And done what do you think?
What turn will this mystery take in Yn life? How will she cope with this new thing she just discovered?
We will see that in the next chapter.

Bye 💕
Word count: 440
Date: 20 March 2024.
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