Ch-1 | Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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3rd Person's POV

An unknown figure was lying on a bench near a graveyard. The body lying while jacket on her face, headphone in ears and left leg kept on the right one. A boy arrived there with a card in his hands.

His face carried a nervous look as if it was his science exam. Maybe his mind was carrying a lot of emotions. He kneeled down near the bench on which the person was lying.

"Hi, I am Zen. I wanna say that.... I really like you from the moment I saw you. I will really make you happy forever. I can't express my feelings in words but will show you by my actions..... I love you a lot. Will you be my girlfriend?."

The boy said while looking down and forwarding his hand, offering the card in his hands. Zen unknowingly touched the girl's hand kept on her belly . She removed the jacket from her face, pulled off the headphone and asked without showing any interest.


He looked up and asked innocently.

"Didn't you heard anything?"

"I think you might have the superpower to hear while putting on the headphone with full volume."

The girl replied in sarcasm and made herself sit in a comfortable position.

"Oh, so you didn't heard anything.... Its okay, let me say it again....."

Zen stuck and looked away out of nervousness.

"I don't have the whole day."

The girl said and closed her eyes. He stayed quiet for sometime but then uttered.

"I really like you from the day I saw you. I can't live without you. I promise I'll always love you unconditionally, forever."

He paused and then continued again.

" Will you be my girlfriend?"

He said while looking at the stars in the blackish sky. The girl scoffed at his last sentence and opened her eyes.


"You should have at least thought ones before saying that."

Said the boy while looking in her eyes. The girl smiled at him, made him sit next to her, held his hand and looked directly into his eyes with a smile.

"I want to say something."

Zen smiled at her sentence and hummed in response.

"Don't you dare to come at this place again or to see me because its a big no."

The girl said while smiling and looked deeply into his eyes. Suddenly she left his hand, her smile faded and eyes turned darker.

"Is it okay to reject like this?"

She said putting her jacket on and stood up to leave.

"Don't ever be in my sight again 'cause its good for you."

She said not looking at him and started to walk away.

"Mayra, please don't do this to me. I really love you. You have already rejected me four times and this is the fifth one, please come back. I will really love you forever."

He said as a loner tear rolled down his left eye but she didn't even turned around and moved away.

After walking for a while, Mayra reached a busy road. She started to move on the paved path. She was walking while her hands in the pocket of her jacket and headphones on.

She saw a couple sitting on a bench at the bus stand, maybe waiting for there bus to come. She always see random couples when she walks from this road and this is what she hates the most.

Its not like she hate couples but she hate the consequences of love.

She moved forward ignoring her surroundings. After walking continuously she final reached her destination. A Restaurant.

(This is what she does daily, after finishing all her work, Mayra daily visits the graveyard at sharp 8:30pm to be alone and in peace. She chose graveyard as this is a place where no one visits at night and according to her, it is the perfect place to find peace.

After spending her quality time with herself, she either visits a restaurant or goes back to her hostel.

In the morn, she goes to her university where she is studying on a scholarship. After her classes, she goes to her office from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.)

Mayra entered the restaurant and went to order something. After sometime, she took her order and was going back to her table. A boy arrived from front putting a mask on his face and not focusing on his way. He bumped into Mayra and all the things in her hands were about to fall on the boy but she pushed him backwards.

He fell on the ground following the push.

"What the Fuck?"


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