Ch-7 | Jealousy

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Abhimanyu's POV

"I love y...."

My legs automatically pressed themselves on the brake as I parked the car near the paved path on the side of the road.

'She said something. She loves....what?'

I looked straight in her eyes and she seemed to be confused, really confused. I opened my mouth and whisper, loud enough for her to hear.

"You love what?"

I asked excitedly which she replied with-

"I love y...your gift. Why? Did I said anything wrong?"

Look at this girl. She is driving me crazy with her incomplete sentence and now asking me if she said anything wrong. Is she really innocent or she is trying to act like that. She was innocently looking in my eyes but then she realized that why I was so curious for her to complete the sentence.

"Don't take it wrong. I was talking about the gift you gave me that night, not about......"

She said coldly but still, her words stuck in the mid of their way which clearly shows that she cares that I would get hurt if she completes her sentence.

"Not about...."

I asked.

"Not about..... anything or anyone else."

'She again made sure to not to hurt me. I know she denies to show her concern towards me but she cares. Yes, she does and it is not my imagination for sure.'


We both reached my home as she asked me to take her there. We both got out of the car and walked inside the house. She was wearing her casual clothes. I have never saw her wearing girlish clothes not even when we were kids.

And today too she was wearing a loose but still a beautiful outfit with a messy bun which was a cherry on top.

And today too she was wearing a loose but still a beautiful outfit with a messy bun which was a cherry on top

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We started to discuss the decorations and venue for the event but then I asked her something.

"Can I drop and pick you up daily after and before your classes?"

I said catching her attention. She looked at me.

"I am going on a business trip today, so, I won't be able to attend the university for some days."

I just came back a few days ago and now she is talking about leaving me alone for her trip. Its ok, I'll wait.

"At what time will you leave."

I asked her which she replied too.

"I'll leave from here till 6 o'clock and at 7o'clock for the airport."

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