Ch- 6 | Smile, Ms. Heaven.

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Mayra's POV

I woke up in my dorm and saw the white ceiling of the room. I got a instant run through of last night and remembered the golden moments of the day when I was in his arms but then I let go of my thoughts and decided to act cold and ungrateful in front of him.

I got up from the bed and got out of my dorm with my stuff to take a bath. I took my time and came out of the private shower stall and went straight back to my dorm after finishing my daily routine.

I walked inside and started to look for my handbag which I randomly kept somewhere in the room after returning back last night.

I twitched my head to the opposite bed than mine and saw my roommate carelessly sleeping without caring about her morning lecture. I went forward to wake her up but a thing kept on the table caught my attention.

I walked close to my bedside table and took a look on the gift wrapped in the same wrapping as Abhimanyu wanted to give me. In fact, after taking a closer look, I found out that it was the same gift from last night.

I finally understood that he somehow managed to send this gift to me as I didn't accepted it. I scoffed at his sweet effort and took the wrap in my hand.

'What might be inside this wrapper? Why he is so much eager to give this to me? Should I keep it or return it? And if I'll keep it then should I thank him.'

I was so caught up in my reverie that I didn't realized that the sleeping creature in the room was now woke up and was standing behind me.

"Just open it na. I also wanna see that what has he gifted you."

My roommate, Radhika, suddenly spoke up from behind of me, making me hide the gift under the cloth kept on the bedside table. She held the apple kept on the table and took a bite.

"No need to hide it from me. I am the one who kept it here. And almost everyone might have known about this already."

My eyes widened at her statement and I just felt like disappearing from this damned world.

"Who else knows about it?"

I asked her in a hope that she might be joking.

"Almost everyone."

My pupils popped out of my eyes because of the extreme shock and embarrassment. I angrily stormed towards the door and about to open the door .

"I was joking. No one knows about it except me and the watchman uncle."

My steps froze on the spot and I twitched my head towards her and gave her death glares. She carelessly took one more bite of the apple and lied back to her bed.

I walked near the table again and kept the wrap inside my bag and was about to go out but she again spoke something.

"I need fees for keeping this a secret."

I closed my eyes in frustration and turned around.

"And what if I don't give you what you want?"

"Your secret will be exposed."

She replied and again took a bite of the apple.

"What a dirty creature! You didn't even brushed your teeth."

"I know you will fulfill my demand, right?"

She replied ignoring my words.

"Ok, what's the deal?"

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