Should I or Shouldn't I

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"Lian, it's  me, Zihan!!!"

His words rang through her ears for a good couple of seconds. She blinked her eyes. She was not expecting a call from him. Never.

"This is my personal number."

That was another blow for her. As she knew, he wouldn't share his personal number with anyone unless the person was important.

"Today you are at the field, right? I need to have a talk with you. I 'll come pick you ,wait for me."

His words made her legs waddle. She quickly got hold of a column for support.
"Isn't this happening ?"  She cried inside.

"I'll come pick you, wait for me,"

That's when his words hit her.

"No, he cannot come here to pick me. I can not let that happen. I can not let him come in person. I don't need any more troubles. "

So before he hung off, she awakened her voice.

"Tell me where should we meet. I 'll come on my own. "

She quickly said.

He understood her reluctance from her tone. She was reluctant as it was still his territory, and rumours have wings as  the walls have eyes and ears.So he agreed with her being flexible this time.

"Then come to Chihua junction. I will pick you up from there. "

That made her relaxed.

"Hm." She too agreed. As soon as the inspection was over,she took a bus to Chihua junction. Even from a distance, she could recognise his vehicle.

She got off. Looked both ways, and when she made sure no one was observing her and got on the passenger seat beside him.

He chuckled at her actions. That made her cast down her eyes in embarrassment.

So, to change the air, he started a conversation while driving to the destination.

"I waited for you like fifteen minutes.  Why were you late?"

Lian looked at him,but thankfully, his eyes were on the road.

"I rushed here as soon as I finished my work." She replied to him.

"Work holic, right? I kinda like that, too. "

His words gave her goosebumps.

"You shouldn"t like me for any reason."

She muttered within.

Soon, they arrived at a villa. He had chosen a summer hut like place beside a lake full of lotus in different colours.

The atmosphere was inviting and charming

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The atmosphere was inviting and charming. Only Lian's heart was not at ease.

They respectively sat facing opposite to each other. Then he looked at her with observant eyes. She avoided them pouring some tea into their cups.


Her fingers wavered when she heard him calling her.

She gulped down her awkwardness, yet did not make eye contact with her.

"Lian, I know I cannot force you. But I need you to think of my proposal. You can take your time. I can wait for you,if ..... "

He paused for a second.

He wanted to say that he could wait for her if she really give some thought on it, but he understood it may scare her. So he said something else.

" I will wait for you. Take your time and tell me. That's all you have to do."

He said in a convincing tone. A whole one sided conversation was going in Lian's head at that moment.

"You wanted me ,only when you failed. You as a businessman knows the value minimises when the things are used. In that case you wanted to have a brand new something in exchange of a third hand. Is that fair?"

He was sipping his tea on peace after telling what he wanted to say.

"If it was the other way around will you accept it."

Her mind voice continued. As his eyes were fixated over the lake,she gave him a glare,but oops she couldn't take it back in time. He saw the way she looked at him.

That made him feel a little upset. As usual she casted down her eyes,while playing with her tea cup.

"Lian, I know what you think."

That made her look at him with wide eyes.

"I know you are having second thoughts as this wasn't my first proposal to a girl. I wish this was ,but I was rather late."

"Yes you were" Lian was replying him within.

"Yet I am sincere this time. Though the things happened cannot be undone,I guess you would give me a chance."

But he didn't got a chance to proceed. He received a call. So he distanced himself from her to answer the call. That gave her some alone time.

"It's true that I am a virgin, but is that a good reason to refuse his proposal,as he wasn't. Will I ever get another chance? He is charming ,handsome, hardworking and rich. And he says he is sincere.  Isn't that what a relationship needs. If I refuse him for the very reason will I ever meet a better person than him? Will I regret?"

Her innerself was trying to analyse the matters in his absence.

"Maybe this is what I deserve. I didn't deserve him at the beginning as I wasn't worth enough for him. Even though he is used ,he is still far off from my worthiness. So shouldn't I grab the moment and feel it?"

She was trying to come to a compromise
with her own self.

"Maybe I should. What's there to lose. I  am getting the full package anyway. He is worth giving a try."

She finally made up her mind.

"Should I tell him right now, or should I wait."


Such is mind. Very unpredictable.  She ended up doing what she promised she wouldn't do.

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