The Nightmare

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Short later, it occurred to her that she easily changed her mind over him because when she first came here, she just wanted to abort his idea.

"Maybe it is because I was single for a long period of time," She reasoned out herself.

Zihan ended his call and seated back, starting their conversation.

"There is no rush,but until you give me an answer,let me take care of you. Then, even if your answer was a no, I would be happy as I at least tried"

His words made her fall for him over and over again.

"Aw....wasn't that touching? Any girl would fall for that. He is really good with words"

She muttered herself. Though her face didn't show much of a reaction ,her heart was pounding hard.

She knew she could trust him,but for the time being, she didn't tell him her decision. They spent another fifteen minutes there and drove off.

"Then I will not tell him soon . Let him suffer a little more. I endured a lot, so should he."

But later she doubted her own decision.

" Was I too quick to judge him? Should I go that low just because I am single? Can't I find a better guy for myself?It's good I didn't tell him. Maybe I got a little emotional. That's why I felt that way. "

She was having second thoughts right then.

She could still avoid him at the office, but just as he promised, he did check on her. He checked whether she reached the apartment over the phone or dropped her on his own.

 He checked whether she reached the apartment over the phone or dropped her on his own

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Most of the time, it was a single message. She did reply,as she didn't want to piss him off.She was in a dilemma whether to go with her heart or brain.

Sometimes, she wanted to give in. Sometimes, she wanted to distance him. She didn't know.

It was yet another normal day. She took the bus from Beijing to Udong at about 5.30 p.m.,but on the way, an accident had taken place in the middle of the road. As there were no shortcuts, the driver had to wait till the police arrived and clear the road. So when she finally got off at her bus halt, it was late. It was around 8.00 p.m. then.

But nothing to worry about,the streets were as busy as ever with both men and women. Lian walked up ahead towards her apartment. She had to walk about 1/2 km to reach her apartment. At day time it was just a piece of cake, but there was this area which was secluded and hidden from the eye. She went pass it with quick steps.

That's when she heard footsteps behind her. She was panicked as she didn't hear any footsteps earlier.

She looked back once, squeezing with fear. A man who was wearing a hoodie was trailing behind her. She had never seen him before.

She didn't know why, for a reason she didn't like the way he looked at her. She took quick steps in fear, just to notice the man was also speeding up.

Lian's heart thumped hard like never. A shiver ran through her spine,making her blood turn into ice. She started to run. But that wasn't her almight. Her legs were not responding the way she wanted. The man was drastically closing the gap between them, scaring her to death.

She panted in wanting air. Just then ....just then he grabbed her from hand, making her scream. But it wasn't loud enough to draw anyone's attention.

She helplessly tried to free herself. At that point, she really wanted to scream, but her lips had dried out. All her tiny efforts went in vain. Then a horible thing happened. The filthy man grabbed her from her waist, rubbing his filthy body over her.

He even hushed her, wanting to silence her. Her hands were scratched as his nails dug in when she was struggling with him. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

Maybe the heaven helped her ,a caravan was reaching towards them. So he let her go. With that chance, she ran for her dear life. She could almost see the gates of' Future 'apartments through the dinmed lights. She ran towards the shelter, tripping over the things. Her knees were scratched and bleeding too, but she never gave a second look at the hooligan.

The man didn't make a move till the caravan dissapear. It was an old junk it moved slowly, giving her enough time to reach the gates.

She opened the gates and ran to her apartment like a lune. He wasn't following her anymore, yet she thought he was. To worsen her fear, she didn't meet a single resident on the way. If she did, she could feel rest assured.

She didn't know how many times she entered the code to her door.

"Come on, come on, come on...."

She muttered, looking back and forth at her door and the entrance. Finally, with multiple efforts, she could open it. She leapt inside and closed the door behind. She was shaking like a mouse from top to bottom and was crying bitter tears when suddenly her phone rang.



The Night lights [Xu Kai]Where stories live. Discover now