Sixty One : Her Destiny

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-𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝔂-

The salty breeze whipped Aanya's braids as she watched Kanha stumble out of the water, sputtering and soaked to the bone. A peal of laughter, loud and unrestrained, erupted from her. "Yam hai hum, Ha! Ha! Ha!" she crowed, hands resting defiantly on her hips. "How was your divine bath, Bhratashri?" she asked with mock sweetness, the playful glint in her eyes betraying her amusement.

Kanha, regaining his composure with a dramatic shake of his head, sent a glare her way. "Much more refreshing," he retorted, "if a certain someone hadn't ambushed me with a bucket of well water just as I stepped in!"

Aanya, feigning innocence, gasped. "Me? Ambush you, Kanha? Whatever makes you think that?" But before Kanha could counter, she was off, weaving through the nearby trees with a shriek, "Dau! Save me from this water demon!"

Balaram, watching the chase unfold, chuckled deeply. "Someone's giving you a run for your money in the mischief department, Kanha," he called after them.

Aanya, finally cornered by a mischievous glint in Kanha's eyes, halted, hands raised in mock surrender. Her triumph was short-lived as a wince escaped her lips when Kanha, with a tug, messed up one of her braided locks.

"Kanha!" she exclaimed, swatting at his hand. "Do you have any idea how long it takes to braid these? Especially with the ocean breeze trying to tangle them every second?" Her glare softened as she looked at him with annoyance. "And where is Dau? Doesn't he see the torture you're putting me through?"

Balaram, a sly smile playing on his lips, merely shrugged. "Just because you are away from Dwarka doesn't mean you get to boss us around, Aanya. Besides," he laughed, "a little payback for all your torture on us never hurt anyone, right?"

Aanya scoffed, but a playful smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Torture, you say? You two haven't seen torture until you've had to deal with me every single day!" she countered, her voice laced with seriousness.

Suddenly, a more serious thought struck her. "Speaking of which," she said, her eyes flitting between Kanha and Balaram with a hint of suspicion, "isn't this the third time you two have visited me this month? What's really going on here?"

Kanha, ever the master of deflection, simply shrugged and reached for the bowl of kheer kept in a side. Aanya yelped in protest as he took it away. "Kanha!" she whined, her annoyance bubbling back up to the surface.

Balaram, however, chuckled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Relax, Aanya," he said kindly. "There's a reason we've been visiting so often, and it's actually good news. But that," he added, "will have to wait until after lunch."

Aanya's eyes lit up with curiosity. Good news? The prospect momentarily pushed the stolen kheer and her tangled braid out of her mind. As Kanha, finally caught red-handed with a mouthful of the sweet treat, offered her a sheepish grin, Aanya couldn't help but return the smile.

Aanya devoured her lunch, her earlier annoyance replaced by a churning mix of curiosity and nervous anticipation. Balaram's words about good news echoed in her mind. As she wiped her hands, she turned to him, her voice barely a whisper, "Alright, Dau, spill it. What's this good news you've been hiding?"

Balaram exchanged a glance with Kanha, who was now sporting a serious expressions now, knowing well about Aanya's reaction that was going to come. "Aanya," Balaram began, his voice taking on serious tone, "I think it's the best time you get back to Dwarka. You are becoming very talented."

Aanya narrowed her eyes. "Don't try to distract me, Dau. Get to the point."

Balaram chuckled. "Alright, alright. Here it is. We have decided to throw you a little... celebration."

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