Track 36

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The Chef stood tall, looking out over the crowd. The glaring spotlights focused upon his stage. Restless anticipation pulsed through the gathering, a collective yearning akin to a pack awaiting its feast. A pack. A crowd through whom massed, hedonistic desire passed like a wave through water. There was a smoldering mood. He stomped and clapped once more. His kitchen staff moved to their posts, beginning to prep the kitchen to serve food. "For those new," despite his intimidating and stoic look, his voice was quite smooth. "This first floor is for dinner and soiree, and a bit of romance in the water. It will be my pleasure to feed all of you who have found yourself a table. Tonight, you will taste. You will savor. It will enrapture you even after every morsel is ingested."
There within the crowd, just another face, Mitani. On Fire. Mitani's mouth hung open in awe; his eyes were gleaming spotlights fixed on the stage, etching every movement of The Chef into his mind, never forgetting this moment.
Looking over the slowly cooking first course, the sweet smell of the buttery-seared steak wafted through the room. "I want plating in ten." The Chef ordered.
"Yes, Chef!" The Staff called out.
Mitani didn't think it was possible for him to be any more star struck, but when the glow of energy waved over the stage, emanating from The Chef and The Staff, all one color like they were all sharing it. Together.
This was their flow state.
Zoe walked through the maze of 'terminal' hallways that littered the first floor.
Most of those attending wore a typical black suit or dress; some bore an exotic look. A man walked up the grand steps to the second floor. His red cape flowed behind him, held by what looked to be several soldiers, keeping the red fabric from touching the ground. Covering his head looked like a tightly woven basket made of real gold strands. He must be able to see through the gaps in the metal, right? A king from a minor nation, flanked by his own people. The gilded cage over his head vibrated and buzzed.
"Oh!" Zoe saw a small kiosk store at the side. Curiously, she headed toward it.
From behind, Marcello spotted her; she was just staring. Curious as to why she abruptly stopped walking, he stepped beside her. "What are you waiting for? They told us we can wander and shop around."
Zoe pointed, "There's too many people inside." She continued to stare dispassionately at the store.
"Are you misanthropic or something?" He asked.
"No, I just prefer empty places."
She expected him to make some sarcastic remark, but he nodded. "Yeah, I understand that a lot." They stood, waiting until the store had cleared out before walking inside together.
Zoe grunted, struggling to put on a heavy, oversized sweater.
"You can put it on inside out; that works too," Marcello said sarcastically, watching the life-and-death battle between the girl and the clothing item.
"Oh." Her muffled voice came from inside the tangled sweater. She pulled herself out, straightening her shirt and hair with her hands.
After leaving the kiosk, they walked past a set of open doors. Inside were several smooth bathysphere-type pods floating in shallow water. They resembled pink pearls, with a white floor and gold trim. The water led to a heart-shaped hole in the wall.
Most people at the event weren't interested, as this part of the floor was almost empty. Gemo sat at the water's edge, his shoes and socks placed next to him, his ankles stuck deep into the pool. He nodded at them half-heartedly as they approached. The golden light emanating from the bottom of the pool made his face look weary and old. But the expression dissolved as the smirk returned to his face. "You guys 'boutta skinny-dip or some shit?"
A horrified look crossed Zoe's face. "No, not water. No, I can't."
"Yeah," Marcello agreed, "Swimming is not my thing."
"What the hell?" Gemo was upset. "Neither of you can swim."
Marcello shook his head.
"I can." Zoe said. "I had to learn; otherwise, I would've drowned. In Crater, danger like that is part and parcel. You either figure it out, or you die." She thought, 'though, I feel like Neph was trying hard to fix that. I remember my father telling me a rumor a while back that Neph had lost someone when he was around my age.'
"That's why you don't like it? You saw that happen?"
"No, I didn't see anything like that in-person. Obviously, Crater wouldn't go around announcing tragedy, but it definitely happens...probably a lot." A suppressed memory clawed its way to the surface of her consciousness. She found herself back in Crater, several years prior, deep within the forest, surrounded by classmates on a cold winter morning. After enduring a grueling sprint through the hard-packed snow for miles, they faced the challenge of crossing a large, fast-flowing river and continuing their relentless run.
A face—now shamefully forgotten—stood out. The kid was too exhausted to cross. In a silent, collective gaze, they witnessed the river's current swiftly carrying him away. No one uttered a word; no one displayed much of a reaction. Everyone was far too tired to try and save him. After a minute that felt like an eternity, those who had witnessed the incident simply resumed their relentless run.
"What's your excuse?" Gemo splashed water at Marcello. "You've got a kill list an' shit, but you're too scared to swim? The beach and the ocean were basically my childhood—especially during the summer."
"Especially since you lived on an island," Zoe said.
"Damn, that's bad. It just kinda makes you look like a bitch, huh?" Gemo grinned, trying not to laugh.
"I- Okay, look," Marcello said quickly. "I'm not scared of water! Okay, I'd learn to swim if I had the time. I wasn't even gonna be in the fighter unit in my village, so I didn't have to learn any of it."
"But you could've, I'm guessing, right? But you didn't were scared. It's okay if you are. I just think you should admit it."
"Dude, you are so stupid."
"Hey, Zoe, notice how he didn't deny it." His grin grew even wider. He knew he'd get a kick out of messing with Marcello. "Kind of a self-admission. Sayin' it without really saying it."
He stopped once it looked like Marcello was about to punch him. Zoe stood quietly, her hand over her mouth to hide her smile.
"They would've let you drown? You're serious about that?" Marcello asked Zoe several minutes later.
Zoe thought for a bit, "Yeah, a lot of teachers would. They train us to do all sorts of things from the time we're young. They usually don't broadcast tragedies, but news does get around. I think it happens a lot more than most would like to admit."
After talking more, Marcello asked Gemo, "What are these for?" He gestured at the pearl pods.
"Yeah, they're meant for two. You get in em', and it takes you somewhere and loops you back around here at the end. A few groups have gone through here. Not my thing. I'm sure you'll like it," he gave him a knowing nod.
Zoe peeked her head inside the pearl, sniffing the air cautiously as she tended to do before entering strange places; a warm cherry scent wafted. A long cushioned seat sat beneath the one-way glass, tilted slightly back so those sitting could easily watch the ceiling. The button on the side indicated that the seat would flatten if pressed, turning into a bed.
"Is it bad?" Marcello asked from behind her.
"It's fine."
He walked up, taking a look inside. With a nonchalant shrug, he settled onto the right side of the seat, randomly pressing buttons on the console in front, attempting to kick-start the dormant vessel.
"No, it's this one here," Zoe pushed in and turned a key on the console, the pod door closed, and the pearl lurched to life. "Oh!" Zoe jumped up, standing on the seat, startled by the engine's whirring underneath them. She glanced at the slowly sealing doorway and saw Gemo through the closing gap, grinning. Then she looked to Marcello, then back to the now closed door. Her face turned bright red, murmuring, "Oh goodness, this is so embarrassing. He's going to tell everyone."
"Just sit."
"Okay." She settled down next to him; purposefully, the seat had a subtle concave in the middle to push both parties closer together. The sphere left its track, floating toward the heart-shaped hole in the wall.
Soft, jazzy music flooded the bathysphere as it submerged halfway into the water, passing through the wall. The song sang, "L is for the way you me."
Above them in the tunnel, pink, blue, and green lights ran along the sides, imitating the aurora borealis.
"O is for the only one I see."
Their eyes, wide with wonderment, stared at the light show above.
"V is very, very extraordinary."
Zoe noticed Marcello looking her up and down from the corner of her eye. Deep sidelong glances.
"E is even more than anyone that you adore."
The music got louder just as the lights above them began to wave, changing from strings of colors to patterns. Animals and flowers moved along the roof, sprouting and running along with them.
"Marcello," Zoe looked over at him, matching his gaze.
"I've got a question."
"The other day, when you said that your people came from the stars or meteors. Do you yourself believe that?"
Marcello sighed thoughtfully, "I'm not going to say I don't believe it. Here's the thing: I...we have a different idea of that stuff than the rest of the world. We aren't heliocentrists. The stars for us are so much closer, so much more...alive." He slipped his arm around her and for some reason, she didn't stiffen or flinch like she normally would have. Zoe didn't have time to think about why as Marcello pointed toward a particular twinkling light on the tunnel wall. "The lights that look like that there...Did you know the word 'planet' used to mean 'wanderer,' like 'wandering star.' They don't follow the blanket of God's will. So, like, do you know how Mars was originally thought to be a god of war?"
"They claim the celestial body of Jupiter has storms on it, and it just coincidentally was thought of as a storm god for thousands of years far before they had the technology to look at something supposedly millions of miles away. That holds significance, is all I'm saying."
Marcello pressed a button, and the music changed. The soulful velvety voice, "When no one else can understand me. When everything I do is wrong. You give me love and consolation. You give me hope to carry on."
"Oh, it's this song," he smiled, his arm was still around her, his fingers playfully twirling her hair. "Elvis. You know this one?"
"Yeah, of course. When I was a kid, I'd always walk around with these massive noise-canceling headphones and listen to music all day. I heard this song a lot."
The song continued. "And you're always there to lend a hand in everything I do. That's the wonder. The wonder of you. And when you smile, the world is brighter. You touch my hand and I'm a king. Your love to me is worth a fortune. Your love for me is everything... "
"The first time I heard it was right before I got the idea to go to Crater," Marcello remembered. "One of your leaders...Neph? He was trying so hard to get me to join." He thought, 'It honestly weirded me out with how much he tried.'
"Why didn't you?"
"I don't need to."
Zoe thought for a moment, "So, then...if you don't mind me asking, where do you live?"
"Nowhere, really. I don't have a house or anything."
A crooked smile crossed his lips, "Yup, a homeless orphan."
Both walked out of the pool section, wandering as they talked. "Look!"
Marcello followed Zoe's wide interested eyes, seeing at the end of the hallway, an 'exotic snack' sign was over a small store.
Zoe bolted over, looking at a display case with engorged insects belly-up inside. "I know all of these!" Her eyes danced around the store excitedly, conveniently skipping over some of the 'mystery meat.' That suspiciously hung on meat hooks.
As Marcello entered the store, he looked warily at the pictures on the walls. Each of a person or animal, naked, and displayed under a bright light. Their skin marked, each limb labeled and numbered. 'If someone wants to get their meat very fresh, this is the place. Ayla would love this place as much as Zoe. But I'm guessing for a different reason as her,' He looked over Zoe's shoulder at the insects lined up behind the glass. 'Why is she so excited over...that? I hate bugs.'
"Which one are you looking at?" Zoe asked.
"Uh, the-"
"I literally know everything when it comes to this stuff." Her usual monotone voice was emphatic and quick. "I don't even like these things, really. I just know anything and everything. Ask me something."
"'re okay," Marcello said.
"Come on."
"It's okay, Zoe. It's not like I don't believe you."
"Please, come on."
"I trust you know."
"Ask me something!" Her loud voice cut through the store, causing those inside to stare. There was a long beat.
"Um, what's..." he pointed to an insect—the wings were translucent, and the pattern on them reminded him of a snowflake.
Immediately, she responded, speaking quickly. "The 'Luminescent cave dragon.' A colloquial name. It's only been found in one deep rainforest cave. The particular cave is over a hundred feet tall and goes very deep. But they'll be on the ceiling upside down. Their wings will glow, and in the pitch-black cave, will resemble stars in the sky. They're known for their 'humming' as well. They get together and get almost into a flow state, rubbing their wings, making the whole cave vibrate like one long musical note. Supposedly, they glow even more, with different colors as well. The 'dust,' but actually scales that fall from their wings during the dance, is supposedly very rare."
Gemo had gotten bored of the pool, finding Marcello and Zoe standing outside the doors of the soiree, vaguely watching the family.
Seeing Gemo, Marcello pointed, gesturing for him to come over. "Zoe, tell him what you just told me." He said once Gemo got close.
"I'm getting paid about eighty thousand for this job."
"You're shittin' me, right?" Gemo looked flabbergasted.
Zoe looked awkward, "I mean...He said it wasn't a lot. I thought it was. That's why I accepted..." She trailed off.
"Tell her she got scammed." Marcello pleaded.
"Is eighty thousand not a lot?"
"For people like us," Gemo gestured to the three of them. "No."
"Thank you," Marcello said, exasperated.
", how can I get more?"
"That ship has sailed." Gemo said. "You got nothing else going on? Like this was your big break?"
"I don't have a job, but I made myself an income. I'm not destitute."
"Doing what?" Marcello asked.
Zoe slipped her box of cards from her pocket, as well as her CraterID. "Using CraterCoin, I was able to, colloquially, make an infinite money glitch, that generates a great amount of passive income for me."
"Damn," Marcello looked her up and down, impressed. "If this were a few years ago, I'd definitely use something like that. But that stuff kinda sucks now."
"Why?" Zoe asked, almost offended.
"There's technology to where they can track you through digital currency now. They're able to identify people with anonymous wallets and track them through transfers and purchases. It's just not as safe; the whole system is spectral."
"That's the spirit! See, I'm glad you get it, because that's what I was talking to Keigh about—the guy who made CraterCoin. When I met him, I told him about a lot of the downsides with the system, so before he left again, together we developed something for Crater called a 'C-mixer,' or just a 'mixer.' It's decentralized, and makes everything in your wallet untrackable," she muttered, starting to get distracted with the box of cards. "Seven of hearts." She plunged her fingers in, picking a card at random and pulling it, revealing her prediction to be true.
"You've been doing that card stuff nonstop, especially these past few days," Gemo noticed.
"I was trying to practice. After what I've be honest, I don't think my energy abilities are good enough. I was practicing, so just in case something happened today, I'd be able to be useful."
Marcello pulled up his sleeve, revealing Poatan's watch on his wrist. Gemo's eyes shot to the sparkling device. "You kept that?"
"I'm gonna check on them." Marcello said, entering the soiree. A few minutes later, he returned, saying, "Alder wanted me to go do a sweep of some of the floors. The auction floors haven't started yet, but he's nervous someone's gonna try something."
"Very superstitious, that guy," Gemo said.
"So, I'm gonna go... do that." He walked off toward the nearest elevator. Zoe watched him leave.
"Are cards the only magic you do? Y'know, besides energy. Do you know how to spawn a rabbit out of a hat?" Gemo asked once Marcello had left.
"The only thing I care about is the cards."
The third floor: Marcello stopped here via the request of Olivia. She'd mentioned to him that they might be carrying a certain bag. Describing it as such, "The duffle is crafted from yellow crocodile skin and emblazoned with the brand's signature monogram pattern. It also features a diamond-covered chain strap." Ending it with, "You can't miss it."
The third floor, in particular, was a no-auction floor. It was first-come-first-serve.
He checked his watch once more, 'Most of the big floors haven't opened yet, so it isn't gonna be too busy on these upper floors...I've got about thirty minutes until that isn't a possibility anymore.'
Besides himself, the floor had about thirty other customers, each casually browsing the stores.
Ginger Academy resembled an old-timey candy store. Its weathered wooden sign creaked as he opened the door. The exterior, adorned with faded pink hues, and the display windows beckoned those with rare and luxurious merchandise.
The jingling of a small brass bell announced Marcello's arrival. The light scent of sugar and candy wafted through the air. Wooden shelves were lined with different accessories, each categorized by their era and style. A two-hundred-year-old golden bracelet recovered from a brutal civil war within Zheng-Mei-Gei. A white fluffy coat made of exotic leather of a long-extinct animal, though this claimed to be using leather of the very last of its kind, even having a picture of the animal displayed under it.
The hardwood floors creaked as he meandered through the store, carefully examining every item.
'Ah!' Behind the counter where the antique cash register sat was what Marcello was sent out to get. The yellow leather looked like it ...BOOM!
The whole building shook.
Marcello's gaze snapped towards the lone window in the store, its view directed to the front of the building. He witnessed the fleeting radiance of an explosion, its glow fading rapidly.
In a matter of seconds, a torrent of blood and debris pelted the window like an onslaught of sleet. 

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