Romantic Gesture.

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"Kenny would you quit fuckin following me!" Craig yelled as he picked up his pace, seemingly on his way to nowhere. "Dude! You can't just leave like this! I'm telling you Clyde didn't mean it!" The raven headed boy stopped, a silence filling the air for a second as he turned to face Kenny. "Did he tell you that?"



"Did he fucking tell you that? No? I didn't fucking think so. I need to get home, my mum is worried fucking sick." He knew she wasn't though, nobody was.

Kenny opened his mouth to speak but he didn't know what to say. He sighed. Some people just can't be helped...

Craig clambered to his front door, the adrenaline had worn off and he was in no state to keep walking around like he was. He walked in and saw his mother, who didn't even bat an eye at him. Without lifting her gaze from the newspaper she held she opened her mouth. "You decide phones aren't your thing anymore?" Craig stared at her, confused. "You didn't message, i assumed you'd run away."

"When do i ever fucking message mom?" He rolled his eyes, not even bothering to disclose where he'd actually been. He dragged himself upstairs and flopped down, already asleep before he'd hit the bed.

Meanwhile, a very different situation occurred at Clyde's house.



Warm tears streamed harshly down his face. He finally understood the pain being in love puts you through. The frustration and utter desperation. "Why?!" He yelled as he threw more of his stuff across his room, he didn't know what to do. He slouched against his wall, head hurting from all the yelling he was doing as he opened up his phone. The group chat had a few pings, it had grown dead over the past week or so. He pulled open Craig's DM again and re read his message.

Clyde, dont contact me again. Youre disgusting and i hate everything we did. Have fun with that hot bitch BeBe she was better than me anyways. Dont call again faggot.

He had read it at least a million times by now but now, something was different. Hot bitch... Craig.... Craig would never ever call BeBe that. He stared at his phone for what felt like an eternity before rising to his feet. "Craig would never fucking say that!" This revelation made him feel a huge mix of guilt and a deeper sadness as the water works began again. "No no no fuck fuck! I fucked it up!"

Hi writer here. "Mr lover man" is the way to go with this scene :o

He rushed downstairs, past his drunk father on the sofa and out the front door. He didn't bother to take his truck, he just ran. He ran as fast as his legs would take him. Craig's wasn't that far but he still ran like it was miles away. He cut through the alleyway behind their houses and clambered into his back garden like he had done the time he heard Craig being choked by his dad. "Craig?!" He yelled as he picked up anything he could find to throw. He clambered up his side fence and grabbed onto the pipe before placing his weight onto it, pulling himself up to the window. He banged onto it as hard as he could. "CRAIG!!" He wasn't even sure if he was in there but he didn't want to take no for an answer.


"Open the window!!"

The raven headed boy stirred slightly as he gained consciousness. He sat up, and almost had a heart attack seeing Clyde's head in the corner of his window. "The fuck??" He mumbled as he got up, opening the window and sticking his head out. "What, the fuck, are you doing?" He asked coldly. The brunette sniffled, still crying. "A... romantic gesture?" Craig rolled his eyes and moved, allowing the boy to climb in. The raven headed boy faced away from him, tending to his poor guinea pig who thankfully was okay. "So? What do you want Clyde." He sighed. Craig was acting so cold. "I'm sorry, i really am sorry Craig i don't know if i can say it enough" He awaited a reply but silence fell between the two. "I was so caught up with my own emotions, my own hurt i didn't think to consider you'd never ever say the word hot and Bebe in the same sentence." Craig closed the cage and turned to face the boy. "Craig. I didn't believe you and i-"

"I waited for you."


"Clyde, i sat in that chair in her garage and i had only one thought. You. You were going to save me. You never did. What was it you said? "I'd be the worlds biggest idiot if i fell in love with Craig Tucker."

The brunettes eyes grew wide. "You were awake?"


The two stayed silent.

"Craig. I lie. I lie a lot. I do it to protect my feelings. I know that if i had said i was in love with you, and you truly didn't like me i wouldn't know how to act. When i saw that text message i wasn't mad that you called me a name. I wasn't even mad you assumed id leave with BeBe. I wasn't even.. mad. I was so sad. I thought you regretted it all. When we were in the closet. When we smashed BeBes car. When we were on the plane to Canada and you comforted me the whole way. When we were in the junkyard. Craig, of course i'm in love with you. The second i heard your dad hurting you i wanted to kill him, and i almost did. Nothing can ever change how i feel about you." He paused for a moment before starting again. "But i know i messed up. You were in need and i let a text message stop me. Because i was so worried but my own upset and confusion stopped me from doing anything about it. So i'll go. But don't think for a second i don't love you because there's nothing i love more than you." He turned away and walked back toward the window.

"You're my reason to live sometimes Craig." He clambered back out before climbing down and going back the way he came — only this time he walked. Craig stood, dumbfounded. He had held his tears back but now that Clyde had left they were flowing out of his eyes, and he didn't even realise. He was so mad at Clyde for not looking for him, but who could after seeing a message like that? He's just.. a dumb boy. He's just a dumb boy that i love. I can't be mad when he really just wanted to protect his feelings. If i got that message i would've done worse. Lost in his thoughts, he had already slid his shoes on and exited his house, in nothing but his space pyjamas. Surprisingly Clyde was still there, sat in front of his house on the edge of the sidewalk. The raven headed boy sat beside him, the cold air hitting him harshly. He sat close and rested his head on the brunettes shoulder, a sigh escaping his lips as he brought his knees to his chest to prevent the cold.

"What are you doing Craig?"

"A romantic gesture. Or whatever. Shut up."

"Okay. :)"

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