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There was no betrayal in his eyes, but Carum felt it all the same. Shuddering, they released the grip. "What...what have I done?"

Paul stumbled forward, calling their name through labored breaths as he lowered himself to his knees.

They stepped back, eyes stuck to his figure as he sank to his knees. "Oh, stars, what have I done? I've murdered an innocent creature!"

Paul coughed, a spurt of gold tinged blood following the expulsion of air, calling for the human louder than before. The acolyte heard him, but did not listen, consumed by guilt and panic, feet welded to the floor, eyes focused on the wound and not the siren. "No...No...!"

Paul gave a shuddering sigh before bracing himself for the upcoming discomfort. He could tend to the wound himself, but he could not leave the human to spiral. He took some air into bruised lungs and sang a lone, quiet note.

The effect was instantaneous. Wide, watery eyes became gilded and half lidded. Stuttering breaths slowed to silent inhalations. Fear's iron grip released the body, leaving it loose and languid. Paul gave over to instinct, letting the Old Tradition guide his melody as he watched his companion's progress. When he decided they were deep enough, he added words.


They walked until they stood before him.


They kneeled.

"Deep breaths..."

They breathed. Paul stopped singing. "Good. I'm going to let you go soon, but when I do, you're going to look at me, alright? Look at me, not the wound."

The human nodded.

"Say it."

"Look at you...not the wound."

"That's right. Wake on the count of three. One, two, three!"

Their eyes returned to their usual enchantment, and focused on the siren, but were still filled with shame. "I'm so sorry, Paul."

He held their cheek. "I know, dear. And I forgive you. It was an accident. Accidents happen, they're part of Her infinite jest. And, believe it or not, there is a silver lining to this."

"How in Fortune's name could this have a silver lining?"

"Well, now ye get to learn how to heal a stab wound, don't ye?"

"I suppose that is the only proper way to atone..."

"There we go!"

"So how do I heal..." They looked at the wound and winced. "That?"

"At me," Paul reminded them. "Look at me."

It took considerable effort, but they did pull themselves away. "Yes, Paul."

"Right. Let's begin with what you aren't going to do."


"You aren't going to pull this dagger out."


"I'll bleed out if you do that now."

The human bit their lip, but nodded.

"Bring my cloak. It's draped over the countertop."

Carum dashed to the counter and flew back to Paul's side.

"Good. Invert it." The cloak's lining was deep violet. "You see the gauze? Pull it out."

They grabbed the roll of linen and held it out. "Brilliant. Now, on the right side, around the midsection, there should be a row of potions. Grab the blue one. It should have a red heart label on it." They were quick to find it, and even quicker to present it. "Great. Open my doublet."

Kitty's Keeper/No Clean BladesWhere stories live. Discover now