Semper Amicus, Iam Amator

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Ms. Eowyn cupped the Princes face, inspecting it to make sure there were no long lasting marks or wounds.

Raizel placed his hand on her wrinkled one and guided it away, holding it reassuringly.

"Yes, Ms. Eowyn," he sweetly smiled at her, grateful for the care she provided now and every other time before that. "You've done more than enough, please don't worry."

Raizel sat on the warm bed as she slowly stood up, still looking unsure. She looked to her side, diverting her coddling to Ophelia who sat next to him.


Ophelia perked up from fiddling with the string of her nightgown. She smiled sweetly as well.

"Yes, ma'am." She simply replied.

"You've stressed over us enough, Ms. Eowyn." Raizel interjected himself before she said anything else, fearing She'd be here worrying all night. "Please, take the night off and rest."

As if she read his mind, Ophelia joined his cause, nodding away. Still, Ms. Eowyn hesitated. She, along with Alice, had just found them out in the woods after being missing for the night. When she'd found them, they all looked extremely exhausted and hurt- Raizel sporting a new burn scar that Ophelia put there.

Ms. Eowyn didn't want to pry, especially because of how shaken Ophelia looked after she spotted it when changing Raizel, but she couldn't help but wonder. She didn't expect foul play from Ophelia, the sweet girl wouldn't hurt a hair on that boy if she could help it: she knew that the young prince must've been dying to justify it.

Then there was poor Moss. Alice took them to her lab, but they've been asleep for Sceros knows how long. They kicked and whimpered the whole way back to the castle, then more when being taken to the lab.

She looked at the two young adult, who gave her the same smile. Seeing the two smile under such stress broke and filled her heart at the same time. She admired the twos bravery, beaming with pride. If she didn't know better, she would swear they were siblings. Ms. Eowyn held her hands to her heart, giving the two a smile.

"Straight to bed," she spoke softly, placing her hand of their faces. "When you wake up, I'll have a very special breakfast waiting for you.

Raizel and Ophelia nodded as she took her hand away and left the two, pushing aside the rest of her worries for the morning.

Raizel let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, flopping back into the bed. The smell of fresh sheets filled his nose, comforting him compared to that stale old house they were in awhile ago.

"She means well." Ophelia flopped next to him, turning her head to look at him.

"I know." He didn't look at her, resolving to close his eyes instead. "I'm just exhausted."

It was a lie. Raizel had never felt more awake in his life. So many things that had happened, all in which he didn't even have time to process. Usually after an adventure, he'd have a snack with Ophelia and Moss and recall the fun parts of the day- whether it be loot, a guy Ophelia had launched across the bar or Moss falling into a river.

Now with their trio down to two, Raizel couldn't help but worry.

"So what's really up?" Ophelia adjusted herself to lay on her side, ready to listen. She knew the answer but she couldn't help but want to hear him say it. Call her a sucker, but she adored this does he like me sort of shit from Moss. Coming from Raizel though- this was going to be good.

"What do you mean?" Raizel didn't look at her, making her frown.

Or not.

"Really?" She propped herself up. "Come on, Rai, you may fool everyone but not me, I'm too smart for that."

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