Anger Issues

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Requested by:oldMacDonald112(I hope this was what you meant)

"ugly ass bitch!" I heard Ryan yell for what felt the the millionth time today

"Ryan! Quit calling people names!" I scolded him as if he was in little space

"I'm not little Oliver I can do whatever the fuck I want!" He shouted right back at me

"why dont you be little for a while?"

I watched as Kane gently tried to suggest

"Shut the fuck up!" Ryan yelled in Kanes face

"Ryan for the love of god if you do not stop being so rude" Tyler threatened

"Or what?" Ryan dared, smirking

I looked up just as Tyler slapped Ryan

The room fell silent before Ryan's cries were heard

"Fuck you Tyler!" Ryan yelled before running upstairs

(Ryan POV)

I know I was being a brat and all but he didn't have to slap me

My vision began to get all blurry due to the tears, making me slip and fall, bumping my head just as I walked into my bedroom

(Darren POV)

"What the hell was that for!?" Oliver yelled

"I told him to stop, we All told him to stop and he wouldn't listen" Tyler nonchalantly said

"Yeah but you didn't have to slap him" Sebastian said, looking at the ground, not wanting to meet our mangers gaze

"Yeah I thought you learned your lesson when you slapped Justin" I said

Tyler thought for a moment

"Sure, maybe I was in the wrong for slapping him. But it was the only way I could get him to shut up"

"That's fucked up bro" Justin whispered

Tyler left the room after a few minutes

"We'll give Ryan some time to cool off and calm down and then we can go check on him" Oliver said as he ran his hand threw his hair

We all agreed and sat in the living room for a while

(Justin POV)

I looked at the time on my phone, seeing it was about 6 o'clock, meaning it had been a little over two hours since the "incident"

I looked in the kitchen to see Oliver and Darren preparing dinner

"Hey guys? Should we call Ryan down here or go check on him?"

"I think one of us should go check on him" Seb said

"I'll go" I said as I got up off of the couch

I headed upstairs and went to Ryan and Kanes room

I knocked on the door, hearing no response

"Ryan? I'm coming in" I opened the door to see Ryan passed out on the ground

"Fuck! Guys! Come up here!" I shouted loud enough so everyone would here

I heard all of the running upstairs, even Tyler, Bae, and Angel

"What th-" Regie cut himself off

"Ryan!" Oliver yelled and got down on the ground with Ryan, holding him

We all tried to wake Ryan up and check for in injuries

The good news was, he didn't have any bruises or any injuries in general, the bad news, he's still not waking up

"here" Regie handed Darren a wet washcloth

Darren wiped Ryan's face with the cloth, hoping it would wake them up

Kane whispered soft words of encouragement in Ryan's ear

I looked over at Tyler who seemed to be rethinking everything

Regie picked Ryan up and we all took him to the living room. Regie sat down on the couch with Ryan cradled in his arms

We all waited patiently for Ryan to wake up

"Do you think we should call 911 yet?" I asked

"let's give it a few more minutes" Oliver said as he boucned his leg up and down

After a minute, Ryan's eyes slowly stared opening

"He's awake!" I yelled, making all of the boys look over at Ryan

"Hi baby" Regie said softly, looking down at Ryan

Ryan whimpered and grabbed a hold of Regies shirt with his fist

"Ryan I know you don't understand me right now but I am so so so sorry" Tyler came over to Ryan and apologized

Soft coos were heard from Ryan

(A few minutes later)

"Babbaabaaa" Ryan was babbling at the colorful cartoons that were playing on the TV as he sat in Darrens lap

We manged to feed Ryan some of his dinner and set him in the living room whith a few toys to play with while the rest of us ate dinner

Kane ran Ryan a bath and I helped him get into some pajamas before we all tucked him into bed

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