Cookies Now

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(Kane POV)

I held a sleepy Ryan in my arms as I tried getting Darren to listen to me

"You can't have any cookies, were about to eat dinner" I gently told him while I rocked Ryan in my arms

"But I want some" he whined

"Too bad bear, you can have some after dinner" I said, walking off to the living room where Regie and Oliver sat on the couch

"Aww he's so cute when he's not barking at us" Oli said, smiling down at Ryan who was now sleeping in my lap

"I think the only time he's not yelling at anyone or instigating or something is when he's asleep" I admitted

"Oli!" Darren whined, running into the living room

"Yes love?"

"I want a cookie" he smiled, thinking he was gonna get Oliver to let him have a cookie

"Sebs cooking dinner for us buddy, but you can have a cookie after okay?"

Darren whined at the fact he couldn't get his way. He stomped his foot, pouting and crossing his arms

"That's not gonna make you get a cookie" Regie told him

"I already told you, you can have a cookie after dinner" I said before checking to make sure Ryan was still asleep

Darren pouted for a moment before walking away, most likely to bug Sebastian

"We'll have to wake Ry up soon, so he won't eat dinner too late" Oliver said, making me nod

" Dinners ready!" Seb called out. Justin came from downstairs while me, Oli and Regie got up

I shook Ryan gently, bouncing him in my arms a bit in attempt to wake him up

"No Kane!" Ryan whined, rubbing his eyes as I walked him to the kitchen

"You gotta wake up so you can eat buddy" I told him I'm a gentle tone before setting him in a chair at the table

He rubbed his eyes a little more before seeing that dinner was ready. He squaled happily once Seb set his pants down in front of him

Darren was seen trying to sneak a cookie from the cookie jar before Justin scolded him

"Put that back! I'm sure you've been told you can't have a cookie until you eat dinner?"

Darrne looked down while he pouted

"We told you buddy, you can have a cookie after  you eat your dinner" I said as I made my plate

Darren pouted more until Oliver handed him his plate, making him quit

Finally, after about 20-30 minutes we started cleaning up, Darren being super excited to finally have a cookie

"Cookie?" He asked, tugging my shirt slightly

"Yes darbear, you can get a cookie now" I sighed, letting him have one. He's been more behaved than he usually is, so I'll let him have one

"Yay! He squaled before carefully opening the jar and getting one out

"Thank you Kane Kane" he smiled before running off with his cookie

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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