Facts About The Littles

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Sorry I haven't been posting that much, I've been testing all week at school and I was sick so I kinda took a break

But I decided to just add some stuff about the littles since I don't know what else to write as a chapter

His main headspace is 2-4 years old.
He spends a lot of time with Seb, in or out of little space.
His nicknames are toothless, ry, or ry ry, but the littles call him shark boy (thanks to Darren).
He is very sneaky and is kinda a smart ass when little.
He's still an instigator when little.

His main headspace is 3-5.
He spends most of his time with Justin.
His nicknames are dar or Darbear but the littles call him Bear Bear.
He loves to tease the other little but still loves them and usually winds up apologizing to them afterwards.

His main headspace is 3-6.
He spends most time with Darren or Tyler.
He is clingy towards his big brother.
His nicknames are Kanebear and kaney, but Darren calls him Kandy Kane(But also gets yelled at by Kane because the stars can call him that .
He is a sweetheart and very kind.
He loves climbing on things.

His main headspace is 2-4.
He is usually hyper in little space and loves to cause chaos.
His nickname(besides Regie) is just reg.
He likes to spend a lot of time with Oli.

His main headspace is 3-5.
He is gentle and kind and hardly ever misbehaves but sometimes he follows after his brother and misbehaves, but quickly apologizes or blames Seb.
His nicknames are oli and oli boli.
he spends most time with Regie.

His main headspace is 2-5.
He spends lots of time with Ryan.
He tends to get into a lot of chaos like Regie, making Oli copy him.
His nicknames are Seb and Sebby.
He likes Sid the sloth.

His main headspace is 0-3.
He loves saying "Baba".
He spends lots of time with Darren.
His nicknames are jus or baby Justin.
He is a very hyper but well behaved baby, but when he is in an older headspace he likes to run around.
he likes keep everyone stressed.

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