Chapter 4.21 - En Route / Windvane

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Mod suited up, and together, he and Arsenal rode in a heavy drone to Antony's last known location on Eastside. Mod would've ridden in a standard drone while Arsenal flew, but Dr. Venture insisted they take the extra firepower.

They'd debated whether to relay their findings to the Summit. Dr. Venture decided against it.

The only reason they'd been able to trace the suspects was because TINA hacked the cellphone networks—something that Venture didn't want to admit to the Summit.

So, now the plan was to confront the culprits while Summit patrols happened to be in the area.

Mod probably should've questioned Venture on the decision, but he had more important things on his mind. Namely, the fact that his brother had been kidnapped.

Mod sat on the bench along the wall and held onto one of the handholds. Arsenal sat beside him. The drone burned hard, rocketing to them toward their destination—the frame shaking angrily.

Mod's free hand clenched and unclenched. He couldn't relax.

It had been one thing when he thought that Antony's group had been attacked by the Deep Ones. So far, there hadn't been any reports about the scouting party getting far enough inland to harm civilians. They seemed content to attack patrolling capes and the military. But that didn't mean that things would always be like that.

Now though...

TINA's voice came through their earpieces, cutting through the rumbling metal and turbulence.

"I'm tracing the additional cell phone signals present during Antony's disappearance. They belong to a single group of individuals. Their signals show considerable overlap. Identification incoming... Corroborating databases...

"Three of the individuals belong to the gang of villains called the Hellcat Mercenaries—Angel Eye, Windvane, and Lau Keishos. Two Masks are also with them—Shifter and Oakenheart."

It took Mod a moment to process what TINA was saying. Arsenal asked, "What the hell would two masks be doing with a group of villains?"

Mod cracked his knuckles. "Does it really matter?"

Only two weeks ago, a Summit cape had tracked Emmett back to his parents' house. Hunter Nine had tried to defend his actions—he hadn't harmed Emmett's family—but Emmett had beaten the shit out of him anyway.

Arsenal turned to regard Mod. Her face was unreadable behind her exosuit helmet, but Emmet knew she was judging him.


"Of course it matters," Arsenal said. "We don't know what happened—"

"Do you really think they'd have a good reason for kidnapping a group of civilians?"

Arsenal flinched. "No..." She turned and leaned back against the wall of the drone, a little further away from Mod.

"Sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to snap."

Arsenal replied quietly, "Just don't let your emotions get in the way. Let's try recon and talking first."


TINA compiled known information about the three villains and two masks on the way. Both Mod and Arsenal looked the information over quickly.

Angel Eye—Class 2.3—Real name, Tobe Kaemon—Possesses uncanny accuracy with firearms. Accomplished sharpshooter, sniper, and assassin. Able to hit moving targets at maximum ranges without bipods or tripods. Minor knack for reflexes. Longest confirmed kill: 1.5 miles.

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