Chapter 1

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It had been 2 years since Hunter and I moved in together. We had little arguments, stuff all couples have, like where utensils go or closet space; but, overall living with her was perfect. I couldn't thank whatever powers in the universe enough for bringing us together. I kissed the top of Hunter's forehead gently as she slept snuggled into my chest.

Her eyes fluttered and opened slightly. Her smile was warm as she whispered, "good morning, beautiful." I gently lifted her chin and kissed her softly. With her, I didn't care about morning breath or any other embarrassing or gory details. I had long come to the realization that I wanted all of her. My heart fluttered in my chest thinking of her.

"So, you know Friday is coming up. What do you want to do?" Her question interrupted my thoughts.

"It's only Sunday. What are you talking about?" I replied coyly.

"Ellio, don't think for a second we both aren't aware of your birthday. So what do you want to do for it? Any gift you want this year?" Hunter quipped with fake sternness.

"I don't want anything! If anything, I want to forget about it. I tell you this every year. It's a normal Friday." I whispered quietly while peppering soft kisses along her cheeks, trying not so subtly to distract her from the topic at hand.

"Why are you so difficult? It's maddening!" Hunter giggled and kissed me squarely on the lips.

"Fine. If you insist, you can be my present again this year. After all, you're the only thing I want to unwrap!" I flirted with wiggling eyebrows. My hand started to slide up her shirt.

"Who am I to deny you?" Hunter breathed raspily.

"Good girl." I licked along her neck, smiling.


I laid in bed while Hunter got up to shower. Sex with her would never get old. Her throaty moans, soft skin, velvety lips were like a source of nutrients my body couldn't live without. As I stared up at the ceiling a calm came over me. I had told her I just wanted her for my birthday. I had said that every year and without fail every year we would have sex that would somehow be even better than all of our previous escapades. Yet, lying here in bed I knew my heart meant something different in those words. I wanted her. I wanted her on my birthday and everyday after that. I closed my eyes and let out a long exhale.

"You can do this. You're Dr. Elle Graft. It's time." I told myself in a whisper; a futile attempt at a pep talk. I turned over in bed to face Hunter's nightstand. There on the bedside table was the ring I gave her two years ago as a symbol of our dedication. I lifted the ring gingerly and rolled it in between my thumb and index finger. I was lost in thought and didn't hear the shower cut off.

"Sorry. You can't take that back now. It's too late. You're stuck with me." Hunter teased while covering herself with a towel, hovering in the bathroom doorway.

Her voice shocked me out of my trance. I cleared my throat, struggling to come up with words.

"No, nothing like that! I... uh... was just looking at it. I think it's over due for a cleaning. I'm going to take it to a jeweler to get it polished." My mouth stumbled.

"Won't that be expensive? We can do that ourselves." Hunter reasoned while drying off her hair.

"No! . . . I mean, it's antique. I don't want us to accidentally rub the coating off or something. Just let me take it. It shouldn't take too long..." I trailed off, trying not to sound too eager.

"Okay, suit yourself, professor." She winked as she strutted back into the bathroom.

I tucked the ring in my bedside table. I needed to brainstorm my next steps. I wanted everything to be perfect.


Hunter left for work which would normally cause me to be in a lonely pouty mood on a Sunday, but today I didn't have time for that. I had work to do, and fast. I brought out a legal pad and scribbled as fast as my hand could go, not quite keeping up with my brain.

After about an hour or so of planning, I cracked my knuckles and stretched. Time to bring in the infantry. I thought to myself.

I held the phone up to my ear as it rang once, twice, three times. . .

"WHAT IS YOUR DEAL?! Can't you take a hint. I moved out to California to get away from you!" Troi's voice carried smugly over the speaker.

"I love you, too, Troi." I smiled.

"You have an odd way of hearing what you want to hear, bookie! What can I do for you? Make it quick, my wife's about to get her second wind." Her voice was loud and gleeful.

"That's disgusting. . . but, speaking of wives. . ." I continued on for several minutes, unashamedly spilling my ideas to my best friend. I could always count on her honest feedback. "Is it too much?" I asked gingerly. 

"Let me get this straight. SORRY! Let me get this queer. You're going to propose to Hunter with the ring you already proposed to her with two years ago? Am I missing something? Even for Lesbians, two proposals seems a bit much for one girl!" Troi quipped.

"I didn't propose!" I responded quickly. "That was more like a promise ring situation. . . "

"Where's my fucking toaster then? I swear to God, I thought you've been engaged this entire time. We bought you a toaster as an engagement gift a year and a half ago! Thirty bucks down the drain!" Troi feigned anger.

"DON'T LISTEN TO HER, ELLE! It's adorable. We support you 100%." Nikole interjected.

"How long have you been listening? So much for privacy." I teased.

"Long enough! What do you need us to do? Give us assignments, professor!" Nikole cheered.

"Yeah, yeah. How can we help? DIBS ON BEST WOMAN!" Troi yelled.

"That's not a thing!" I smiled from ear to ear.

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