Chapter Three - Sophie's pov -

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After dinner with her parents, Sophie showered and changed into her house clothes: A simple over-sized shirt and some shorts. Iggy, her pet bat now dyed green due to Dex, fluttered to her bed and snuggled on her pillow. Sighing, she plopped onto her bed and opened her phone.

A missed call from Keefe.

Oh no oh nooo! She thought frantic. As she pulled up his number, she noticed a text message. 

Keefe: Hey Foster, I was trying to get your attention but your phone seems to be on silent haha. Anyways I was wondering If I could come over after school to ask for help with some schoolwork? If you don't respond I'll hop by anyways ;). I'll be there at 7:30. Seeya there!

She checked the time quickly and panicked when it was already 7:29. At any moment he could be here-

Ding dong!

The doorbell rang and her mind raced. She looked around at her messy room and jumped to her feet. "Ughh, why was my phone on silent" She groaned as she stuffed her laundry into her closet. Soon, she heard Edaline calling for her. 

"Sophie! Your friend Keefe is here! He said it's for homework so I'm gonna let him upstairs." She called from the doorway.

"And you better not be doing anything else, alright Sencen?" Grady yelled for both of them to hear.

As Sophie rushed to the top of the stairs she saw Keefe smirking at the bottom. "Hey Foster, didn't expect me? I sent a messages but oh well." Shrugging, he trudged upstairs before she could say anything back. She huffed and moved aside mumbling and crossing her arms.

. . .

When she sat on her rug with Keefe, she was unsurprised when he admitted he didn't bring any homework.

"You never hang out with me anymoreeee" He whined.

"Not true! I've just been busy with- other stuff.." She shrank.

"You mean busy with the Fitzer." Keefe mumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Keefe, of course we can hang out some more."

"Yeah yeah, Foster.. I hear ya." He looked off into space and his formerly ice blue eyes looked dim and gray. "I didn't even know Dex dyed Iggy again, and everyone knows that!" He then plopped on his back and stared at her ceiling. 

Sophie sighed and laid down next to him. Looking over at him, she studied his face and blushed when he noticed. Iggy fluttered onto her shoulder and she giggled when he tickled her. 

"Ooh, looks like someone's ticklish~" Keefe teased.

"Hahah, n-no" She replied nudging him.

He pushed back and got on top of her. "Yes you are Soph~" 

She gazed up at him but then broke into a laughing fit when he started teasing her neck and stomach. She tried to break free but he stayed on top and they got into a playful cat fight. After a few minutes they both stopped to breathe and looked into each other eyes.

"Keefe, I-"

"Foster, shh" he said. He leaned in closer making their noses touch slightly. She closed her eyes, and almost closed the wisp of space between them, but then heard thumping up the stairs. Before Sophie could respond, someone barged into the room...

{A/N: Sorry I forgot the last part's note! School was stressful :') I hope this chapter is a bit more Sokeefe for you! Anyways make sure to drink plenty of water and get lotsa sleep! Ly <3}

What If We Crossed the Line? - SoKeefe Story - Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now