Chapter Five - Keefe's pov -

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The next few days were a mess. Keefe's heart was aching when he noticed Sophie ignoring him and brushing him by. Whatever the reason was for her sudden cold shoulder, he couldn't sit by and watch her drift away from him. It was a mix of feelings, especially when they crossed paths in the hallways. His heart broke a bit every time she turned away or ignore Keefe's calls when their eyes met. He frantically replayed the scene in his head, trying to figure out where he went wrong. Maybe it was the tickling? He thought to himself. Or maybe when I almost kissed her?  He had asked Biana and Dex to try and get her attention multiple times, however nothing would bring her out of her Sophie Shell. She would just remain numb and quiet. It almost drove him mad. 

 The day before break, Keefe promised himself that he would make her talk to him no matter what she tried to do to escape. So later that day while she was going to her car, he stopped in front of her and blocked her. 

"Foster, we need to talk." He demanded.

She mumbled and tried to get by.

"No, please Sophie. I need to talk to you." He pleaded, gazing into her brown eyes.

She looked away, trying - but failing - to hide her red tinted cheeks, and said "Is this about what happened at my house?"

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, squirming, "I didn't want to bring it up, but you've been a shell of yourselves these past few days. I miss my foster." He looked away and tried to stop a pesky tear from rolling down his face. "It's not the same. Are you mad at me? Did I get you in trouble with Grady? Is that why you're ignoring me?"

"No no no Keefe! It's not that-" She assured him, moving his face toward her with her hand. He looked down into her face, scrunching his brow. "I'm sorry that I've ignored you. I was scared that I would break my dads new rule."

"New rule?" He said raising an eyebrow.

When she explained everything he stepped back, as if to create distance. His heart hurt but he had to create distance. "I-I'm sorry about that. I didn't know that I ruined your love life."

"You didn't ruin it Keef-"

"Yeah, I did. Because of me you might not get to date until you're like 30 years old!" He said, interrupting.

A smile twitched on her lips and she replied, saying, "Keefe, we both know thats not true."

"I guess," He said with a sigh and chuckled. "So are you out of you're Sophie shell?"

"Mm- Maybe... Maybe not"

"Ugh, please, I cannot deal with her anymore. I need you back." He said teasingly but it had words of truth behind it.

"Alright." She said, leaning in for a hug.

"See you tomorrow at the amusement park?" He said hugging her back as tightly as he could.

"Of course"

He embraced the hug for a couple more seconds before letting her go and moving aside to let her by.

What If We Crossed the Line? - SoKeefe Story - Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now