The Lucky Compass

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Following season 1 episode 2 of Outer Banks.


"DCS! I know you're in there!" is what wakes me up. Actually, it was the pounding on the front door. 

"Shit," I whisper, hurrying out of bed. I barge open the door to my brother's room, where he is sleeping soundly in his bed. He's always been the heavier sleeper. 

"John B! Wake up!" I whisper-shout, shaking his shoulder. He groans but doesn't open his eyes. 

"DCS!" comes another shout and more pounding on the front door. 

"John Booker Routledge! Wake the fuck up!" I start punching his shoulder and arm, which makes him groan again but start coming to. 

"Kinsley, what the fuck?" he mutters. 

"DCS! This is your last warning!" John B's widened eyes meet mine.

"What do we do?!" I exclaim quietly. The screen door slams open and footsteps can be heard in the living room. 

"Shit!" we both whisper. 

"DCS!" My heart sinks, knowing this may be the last time I live with my twin brother until we turn eighteen. A figure jumps in front of John B's doorway. The scared expression leaves our faces and an unimpressed one replaces it when we see JJ standing there, laughing his ass off. 

"You should have seen your faces!" he cackles. 

"Fuck you, JJ," John B grumbles. 

I shove past JJ to go back into my room. Slamming the door shut behind me, I slip out of my pajamas and into a white bikini. I slip on a pair of white shorts and an orange tank-top over it. I brush my hair and decide to braid it, having the braid fall across my shoulder. 

I open my door and walk into the bathroom, where I brush my teeth and make myself smell nice with deodorant and perfume Kiara got me for Christmas. I walk out of the bathroom and join my brother and his best friend in the kitchen. 

"Do you want to come with?" my brother asks. 

"Come with where?" I ask. 

"Lana Grubbs' house," he answers. I scoff, rolling my eyes. Ever since John B found our dad's compass in the duffel bag, he has been convinced that it's a sign our dad isn't dead. Once the six month marked passed, I was convinced he was dead. Our dad has left John B and I alone so many times, but he's never left us alone this long. John B and I have had countless arguments over it, him claiming that I don't love Dad. I do love him, and I am sad that he's gone, but I wasn't as close to our dad as John B was.

"I'm sure she wants you coming to her house to ask questions when it hasn't been more than a week since her husband's body washed up in the marsh," I say. 

"I know you're just as curious as I am to know why Dad's compass was found in his duffel bag on his boat," says John B. I sigh, turning away from my bowl of cereal to look at the two boys. I am curious to know.

"I've never known you to pass up on an interesting adventure, Kins," says JJ. John B tilts his head to the side, a small smirk forming on his face. I glare at JJ, who gives me a cheesy smile in return. 

"Fine, I'll come," I grumble. The two boys high-five.


After finishing breakfast, the three of us are in The Twinkie on our way to Lana Grubbs' house. John B is driving, JJ is in the passenger seat, and I'm in the back. 

"Why don't you give it a chance with Kiara?" JJ asks. I look up into the review mirror to see John B's face harden, not wanting to get into this conversation. With everything that has happened, I still haven't gotten a chance to ask the two what the hell is going on between them.

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