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Following season 1 episode 1 of Outer Banks.


"John and Kinsley, it's come to our attention that you two are unemancipated minors living on your own," says Stephanie from DCS. She's a social worker. John B and I glance at each other before focusing back on her. 

"No..no," John B nervously laughs. I sigh, we are screwed if he keeps talking. 

"I need honesty so I can help you two. That's what we all want, right?" she asks, taking off her black rimmed glasses and tilting her head to the side.

"I'm being honest." he gives her a nervous smile. This is why he always got in trouble when we were kids, he sucks ass at lying. 

"Okay, then when was the last time you guys spoke to your uncle?" Stephanie asks. John B holds his wrist up and looks at his watch. It's actually our dad's watch that he stole two years ago.

"Uh...thirty-four minutes ago," he answers. Why am I still allowing him to talk?!

"When's the last time you guys saw him?" Before I can open my mouth to get her off our backs again, my twin brother beats me to it.

"Uh...two hours and forty-three minutes ago." I would so punch him right now, but that would make it way obvious to Miss. Social Worker that he's lying. We haven't seen our Uncle T, our dad's younger brother, in three months. One early morning in April, we woke up for school and he had his bags packed. He told us excitedly that he was catching a flight to Mississippi to build a house and he wasn't sure when he would be back, but that he wouldn't leave us alone for too long. He has a different version of, "too long," than others. 

"Look, we're coming out tomorrow to talk to your uncle. If he's not there, we're going to move along with foster care, and there's no guarantee that you two will be placed together," says Stephanie. She closes our case file folder. 

John B and I leave her office in silence. Once we are outside on the front sidewalk, I turn and slap my brother's shoulder as hard as I can. He frowns, jumping back from me and bringing a hand up to rub his shoulder.

"What was that for?!" he whines. I stare angrily at him, he can be so dumb sometimes.

"What don't you understand about letting me do the talking? I'm a better liar than you, I have been since we were two! Now, with your awful lying, they're going to split us up! You're the only family I have left!" I shout. Frustrated tears slide down my face, and John B's face softens. He steps closer to me, lifting a hand up. I slap it away before he can wipe my tears.

"We aren't getting split up, Kins. We'll find some way to get DCS off our backs again," John B promises. I sigh, knowing he's right but too stubborn to admit it. This wasn't the first time DCS said they were going to visit. Back in May right before school let out, they showed up in the main office and were going to follow us home. Luck being on our side, we ran into Mr. Sunn, the history teacher. Knowing our situation, he convinced DCS to let us stay after school to finish a test, and went as far as telling them that he talked to Uncle T on the phone just a couple days ago to let him know of our failing grade in his class. 

"C'mon, lets go meet the crew at The Wreck."


The Wreck is crowded with people, as it always is Thursday night because of the fish fry special. John B and I take a seat in a booth with our friends. I slide in next to JJ and the blond puts an arm around my shoulders. Normally, I would call him some name and shove his arm off me but this time I don't. We've known JJ since the third grade. John B considers him his best friend, meaning he is over at The Chateau all the time. Also meaning, over the years I've became close with him, too. If John B isn't available, he's the next person I'm looking for. 

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