Chapter 2 Three/?

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Angel is walking to yellow hallway with railroad track on the floor leading to different areas. Angel never been here before but it is very quiet. Only the silence fill the corridors. Angel try to find a way out of here. A rolling steel door is in front of them. Unfortunately the lever is on the other side. "Damnit! Now where am I suppose to go?" Then the alarm set off. In front of them beyond the rolling steel door. The door slowly open and there is a shadow. A familiar silhouette just stand there. Angel soon sweat bullet, It's the same monster who attack them. Huggy Wuggy.

"What?! There's no way...h-how!" Angel back off slowly. Huggy Wuggy walk toward them moving slowly. Angel is ready to run but before they were gonna run. They notice something odd about this monster. The light reflect on it's body and instead of is pink. This version is more girly. "Huh? Wait a minute...?" Angel saw this pink Huggy Wuggy. If they remember correctly, there is a pink version name Kissy Missy. Is she more aggressive then Huggy? They were looking at each other of silence not saying word. Kissy look at the lever then at Angel. It seem she understand what Angel I thinking. Kissy use her long arm, trying to pull it down but it failed. Her arms are long and dangling. Then she try a second time which it work. The lever is pull all the way down. Kissy is ready to leave but look at Angel one more time.

She seem to be either disappoint or afraid. But didn't stay longer until she left which Angel is confused. Unlike the other toys, Kissy is more friendly. She could easily kill him if she want to but Kissy just left them alone. Angel has no idea what's going on. Just what's going on in the factory? Angel quickly went to find Kissy but she's gone. They wish to thank her for letting them pass but probably best to leave her alone. So Angel decided to go back to the game station one more time. Doing a few more puzzle before going back. After a minute Angel made it back to the game station and press the button. The announcer Stella has spoken. "Wow! Look at you! You are very Smart! Now it's time for the final game! It's call statues! I'm sure we'll see you again next time! Now follow mommy long legs one last time! Have fun!"

Angel took a deep breath. It's time to leave this godawful place. Now Angel decided to go downstairs to the game room call statues. Now the real question is will mommy long legs keep her word or not. "Poppy...hold on...." Angel mumble to themselves. They made it to the room but its a lot bigger then the other rooms. With a long corridor. The TV plays, a tutorial show how to play The Game call Statues. They have to keep running during the dark but if light turn on. They're out. The lovable PJ pug-a-pillar, will join the game. However if he reach you, you are out of the game. Then Angel hear something crawling and it's PJ. He is looking at them with a smile grin.

His eyes is fill with hunger, Is a desire to kill and eat flesh. The worst part is this monster's body is so long. If it's multiple feet, there's no way Angel could outrun it. So they have to play it smart. If not, they're going to get kill by this monster. Mommy long legs appear one final time. "It's shame to see the kids go. They call me mommy because I was the closest of them all. They have no parents, no family...nothing. I am the only family they have but it turn out they only came here for left me to die. Mommy really doesn't deserve this. If anyone's going to's you. I realize use to work here. You and you're monsters....should all died here! I am going to enjoy seeing you get killed. This nightmare will finally be over...."

Mommy soon left as the game starts. Angel felt sort of bad for her. But when the game start, he quickly run away from PJ. Angel run fast but stop from the light turn on. While the big giant Pug a pillar move slowly. Mommy long legs sighed. Hopefully this game could finish off that demon. She really wish to forget the memories here. As much as she believe the children left her to die. But the children were the only ones she call family. Mommy long legs remember their faces, smiles and laughter. A single tear came out from her eye, feeling so sad and scared. She didn't want to be alone in this devilish place. The factory isn't her home. Not with him...around. ""

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