10 | Shopping trips and mundanity

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A few days ago, Arthur, Dutch, John and somehow Strauss had gotten into an awful mess in Valentine.

Leviticus Cornwall had ambushed them in town, and the men had to shoot their way through the tens of men positioned in the main street.

The gang hadn't exactly been laying low in town while staying at Horseshoe Overlook, but that shootout was the final straw. Dutch moved them south, into the state of Lemoyne.

From what Mary-Beth has seen of it so far, it's hot, dusty, and the people are mostly unpleasant.

They've set up camp a short way from a town called Rhodes, apparently made up of wealthy, ex slavers and those on the wrong side of history when it comes to the Civil War.

Camp is in a pleasant enough place, Clemens Point, lake side. Tensions are higher than usual, likely due to the move and added concern of not only the Pinkertons, but also Cornwall now on their backs.

Things between Arthur and Mary-Beth have been uneventful. Mary-Beth still feels the same, perhaps a little milder. Everything has been too hectic lately to dwell on it much and Arthur seemingly remains the same.

The most obvious tension comes from Pearsons wagon, where Sadie and Simon have been repeatedly tearing into each other. Mary-Beth isn't entirely sure why, perhaps they just don't get a long, but now, when Sadie raises a knife in Pearsons face, Mary-Beth's mild interest piques.

"Say whatever you damn well please, but I tell you, if I don't get out of here soon, I'm gonna kill somebody."

"And if you don't stop hissing at me, I'm gonna kill you." Pearson returns the threat, retreating from his chopping and waving his knife at Sadie.

"You come near me sailor and I will slice you up." Sadie hisses back.

"You put that knife down or you're going to be missing a hand, lady!"

Sadie groans agitatedly, raising the knife above her head, shaking with threat. Pearson, tenses gripping his knife harder, with purpose.

Mary-Beth stands quickly, darting over to the wagon and grabbing Sadie's raised hand, just as Arthur appears and put himself between Sadie and Pearson.

Sadie grunts with frustration at Mary-Beth's grip, but allows her hand to be brought down and the knife confiscated.

"What is wrong with you two?" Arthur scolds.

"I ain't chopping vegetables for a living!" Sadie snaps.

"Oh I'm sorry madam, was there insufficient feathers in your pillow?" Arthur returns the hostility.

"Look, I ain't lazy Mr Morgan. I'll work, but not this." She paces to the other side of the table.

"Well ain't cooking work?" Arthur and Mary-Beth follow Sadie, past an exasperated Pearson.

Sadie sighs and turns to face them. "My husband and I, we shared the work. All of it. I was out in the fields, I can hunt, carry a knife, or use a gun.

But I tell you, you keep me here... I'll skin this fat old coot and serve him for dinner!" She roars suddenly.

"Watch your damn mouth you crazy, goddamn fishwife!" Pearson yells back, jabbing his finger at her.

Sadie yells angrily and launches herself at Pearson, only to be met by Arthur's arms pushing her back. "Enough, both of you." He says.

Sadie turns her back to them again, breathing out before turning to face them, this time she looks to Mary-Beth.

"You know what I mean, don't you Mary-Beth?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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