Chapter 52: The Child doesn't look like Wang Zhao at all

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Wang Zhao actually didn’t know it. As soon as she came in, she came to Li Zhenguan’s side. The other person immediately threw his self on her and cried loudly. She was afraid of tearing his body, which made Wang Zhao didn't pay attention to the child who was just born.

She turned her head and glanced at the doctor who was holding the child. The other person picked the child up again and placed it on Li Zhenguan.

"It's a boy."

The small ball was placed on Li Zhenguan. It felt no bigger than his palm. It was nestled on his chest. The child was still crying without opening his eyes. It was a wrinkled ball. To be honest, it's not very good-looking. Anyway, looking at it now, she can't see any characteristics inherited from Wang Zhao and Li Zhenguan.

"Boy?" Li Zhenguan asked back. He didn't dare to touch the baby on his chest. He was too small and made people feel that he would break the baby's neck and arms if he was not careful.

Wang Zhao was afraid that Li Zhenguan had other ideas in his mind. He was a very naughty person, so she smiled and said, "Hey boy, he will definitely look like you in the future."

Li Zhenguan did not respond. He is actually very tired now. His whole body is very tired. After the child was born, he felt as if all his strength had been drained from his body. He felt a little disappointed. In fact, it was not bad. He had no extra energy to think about anything else at this time.

There are special nurses here. They are worried that the family members may not be serious, so they help arrange the children's clothes and put the little hat on the baby's crib.

Wang Zhao touched Li Zhenguan's head: "You can sleep for a while."

Yang Jin also walked in from outside. It was not suitable for too many people here. Zhang Ke and the others had all gone out. The hospital required that only one family member should be left here to accompany them. That's all, and the nurses at the hospital will also teach them how to bathe, burp, etc. the baby.

"You can sleep a little longer." Yang Jin tidied the quilt on Li Zhenguan, "Tomorrow I will ask Uncle Zhang to bring you food. I have already found an escort to take care of the child for you. They can come over in the afternoon. Yes, the person recommended by my friend is very reliable."

Although Li Zhenguan was tired, he felt physically uncomfortable. Even though he had cleaned it once, he still felt a little sticky.

"Dad, I want to go and take a quick shower." Li Zhenguan said.

Yang Jin patted Li Zhenguan and asked Wang Zhao to go out, then said: "What are you washing for?! You have just given birth now. Don't even think about taking a bath in the past three or four days. It's not like this was not taught in pregnancy school before. I'll just wipe it for you later. Just be patient these days to avoid catching a cold."

Li Zhenguan frowned, but still didn't say anything, and asked Yang Jin to wipe his body with a warm wet towel.

You can't take a shower after giving birth, but you must pay attention to hygiene, otherwise it will be easy for bacterial infection. Moreover, he has just given birth now, and his lower body is not very clean, so he must pay more attention to hygiene.

In the afternoon, the chaperone who took care of the children came over. He was a middle-aged man. He seemed to be a kind and honest person, and he had a good reputation in the industry.

Wang Zhao breathed a sigh of relief. There was no need for so many people in the hospital at this time. She sent Wang Xuechun and Zhang Ke home first while Li Zhenguan was catching up on his sleep during the day. Logically speaking, she and Wang Xuechun were both going to go home today. They were working, but after such a late night, the two of them simply asked for leave. The family was almost up all night, and now they could finally take a break.

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