Matt II

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Two weeks passed after the Fair, and now the term exams were around the corner. I didn't dislike the idea, studying didn't sound bad if it kept me busy. If I had my mind on the term tests, I wouldn't think about anything else.

I wasn't fond of studying. Well, almost no one enjoyed studying. What I could do was read the chapters and summarize so I could use the highlighters and notebooks that I had bought at the beginning of the year. That was the closest I would be to studying.

Anyway, I had to reach that state of mind that involved having term tests, set the mind for a clean academic performance. To do that, of course, I rearranged my routine. I reduced the weekly amount of ballet lessons I took to three, and I asked my boss not to give me a workload this week.

My boss? A friend of my mom that every once in a while delegated her translations to me so I could help her. My boss was a translator, my mom was a translator, and I was a soon-to-be translator.

Anyway, as I was saying, I was studying, so I didn't have a lot of time to keep the house clean.My friends? Samu had term tests, too, and Moka was in Spain, working, so we weren't even speaking to each other.

Matt? I didn't know about him either. I told her I would be busy studying.


Ivan? I asked myself.

What was he even doing here?!

I brushed a hand through my hair and sighed.

Since the night of the Fair, the nightmares had stopped. What was it that had changed?

Well. Enough. Tomorrow was my last exam, hence, I would see all of them soon anyway.

All of them?!

Shut up.

What a mess.

Speaking of which, I had to clean my apartment too. It was smaller than a doorknob, so dirt and dust accumulated quickly. My apartment was a 2x2 hut with a tiny kitchen, a tiny bathroom, a tiny living room, and a tiny bedroom.

The week passed, I went, I took the exam, and the term tests were over.

I took my phone to call Matt. It was only 10 am, and maybe we could arrange to have some coffee or have lunch. Scrolling through the contacts, I accidentally tapped the contact of my hairdresser. A %30 discount...

It was about 3 in the afternoon when my phone vibrated. "Matt" read on the screen.I removed the heat cap off one ear. I took a deep breath before speaking.


"Hi, love, how are you doing?"

"Fine, finally peaceful."

"Did you take all of your exams?"


"That's good. By the way," He switched the topic as fast as someone would switch channels.

"Would you like to hang out today? I'll pick you up."

After that much time without paying attention, it was time to say 'yes' to him.

"Of course. I'm in the town centre. I'll be free an hour from now, more or less. Is that okay?"

"Yes, love. Send me the address. See you."

He hung up.

An hour later, Matt spawned on the sidewalk across the street. I felt my heart warm after so much time without seeing him. He crossed the street with a much weird smile on his face.

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