Chapter 14

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Rubbing her eyes, Eleanor yawned. She cant believe that her one of the most favourite player, Kevin got injured that too in the FINALE. It was half time now.

She thought," I can cry right now."

Noah called her again,"Did you see Kevin got injured?"

She scrunched her nose,"We are watching the same game! There's no need to rub salt on my wounds."

Noah tried to control his laughter. He knew that Eleanor was really angry right now. If he laughed at her misery, he's getting a beating for sure.

He tried to divert the topic,"So? What's up in your life?"

She thought about Spencer's panic attack. She started saying,"Everything is fine.Actually, I need a help...."

He replied,"From when do you need my help?" She said," Its ok, if you don't want to help me." Noah could imagine her rolling her eyes when she said this. He laughed,"I never said I won't."

Eleanor became haply hearing that he would help her. Smiling she said,"You know that me and Spencer are working together now. By that I mean, we are super devoted to our work now. I was wondering maybe... you could tell me something about his past. So that, we can be friends."

Noah remained silent for sometime. Then, he finally spoke,"Eleanor, are you telling me to spy on him?"

She defended herself,"What! No!"

He said in a low voice,"Looking up his background is spying." He sounded disappointed,"He was a shut-in,Eleanor. Nothing good can come up by searching his background. Don't ruin your partnership, please."

She became sad hearing this and didn't argue anymore. Maybe,Noah was right. There's no need to dig Spencer's past.

The second half of the game started. At the end of the match, Manchester City won and completed their treble. At least, now she had something to be happy about.

In the morning ,Spencer called his mom,"Hey, mom!" His mom was supposed to return in 15 days. She was really busy with her work. But, as soon as her son called her, she immediately understood something was wrong with him

She said,"What's wrong,dear?" He took a deep breath," I had an attack again. I dont think I can do this anymore." His mom got sad,"Spencer, you can't leave in the past forever. You have to get out. You have to make friends."

He tried to make a weak argument,"But,mom...". She said sternly,"No! You won't hurt your new friends. Please,give this a try." He smiled weakly. His mother understood everything despite of his not saying anything.

He decided to apologise to his brother first. He said,"John, I am sorry. I just had a breakdown yesterday." John smiled weakly,"Its fine." Showing the batter in the bowl in his hands, he said,"Pancakes?" Spencer smiled and nodded.

Spencer told John to pick his notebook from Eleanor. He texted her too. It was a normal weekday in the bakery. There was not too much rush. So, she texted back," come during work hours, no problem."

Noah felt bad for rejecting Eleanor's request. So, he came to meet her in the bakery.

There he saw a familiar girl. That brunette haired short girl seemed really familiar. Wait a second! That was his sister. With a boy? And there were talking to Eleanor. He rushed to Eleanor.

He put a hand on his sister's shoulder,"Hi,Amelia!" Amelia turned around to look at him. She muttered,"Brother?"

The boy with her was shocked,"Wait, brother? Your brother?" She nodded. Eleanor wad just enjoying the scene.

Noah had a straight face now,"Yes, her brother. And you are?"

The boy put his hand forward,"John. My name is John, sir." Eleanor decided to intervene now,"Noah, he is Spencer's younger brother. He is an intern in the company working in magazine department."

Amelia added,"Yes, I am in Publishing. He is helping me with stuffs?"

Noah looked at her,"Was that a question or an explanation?"

She snickered ," I already told you about him. Remember, Javi?"

Now, Noah remembered. Javi was Amelia's nickname for John. His expression changed and he smiled,"Oh, that's you? Thanks for dropping my sister home that day."

Right, he dropped her home one night. John smiled too. Eleanor handed him the notebook. Afterwards, he wanted to leave for his work. Noah insisted on giving him a lift.

Amelia decided to stay with Eleanor because she wanted to try some Crossiants.

The first few minutes in the car Noah didn't say anything. After sometime he said,"John, how is your brother?"

John got confused,"What do you mean?"

Noah gave an awkward laugh,"I got to know some things about him. You know... him, music, staying home, not having friends thing."

The other guy got a bit angry,"Did you spy on my brother?"

Noah defended himself,"No, it was a mere background check. Look, I know you care about him. I dont think it's OK to leave in the past. Let's help him. Let's make him normal again."

John stared at him for sometime,"Do you have a plan?" Noah smirked.

Meanwhile, Amelia and Eleanor talked. Amelia told she was working in Publishing. Eleanor had a break now so she was sitting with Amelia. She asked,"So, you and John, I mean Javi how did you become friends?"

Amelia took a bite of her crossiant," We were paired up actually. He clicks pictures of models and then the editing department edits them. Finally, I helped in publishing. All interns are paired with each other under the supervision of a senior."

Eleanor asked again,"So, what do you think about John?"

Amelia blushed a little and gave a dreamy smile,"Well, he is helpful, funny, caring. He notices small details. I... I actually think, I like him a little."

Eleanor smiled thinking,"John likes her and she likes him too. That's sweet."

The bell rang and Spencer opened the door. He saw John. Wait! There was someone behind him. That guy was waving aggressively. Spencer shouted,"NOAH!"

Noah gave a somewhat mischievous smile,"Hi!" John smiled weakly too.

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