f o u r t e e n

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i took some clothes out my suit case, i took a bikini and shirt dress.

i went into the bathroom and locked the door while i got dressed.

i took out a shirt dress with some dark blue dock martens.

i put my hair in a bun and put on a necklace and some diamond stud ear rings.
i unlocked the door and walked out tossing the towel on the bed.

" well hurry up i'm ready to meet new people boy" i said to him as he came out the closet dressed.

he wore a sweat shirt, some khaki shorts some black vans and a snapback.

"you look decent" i said to him as he laughed.
"i know you have more on your mind to say"

i had a lot more i would love to say.
i dont know what it is but the snapback is bringing out a lot of attraction.
"yeah right" i said as i picked up my phone.

"oo my best friend called" i cheered as i called her back.

"wassup kasey" i laughed on the phone as she laughed.
"aye im going to the beach today you should go" she said.

"what the hell, thats weird you ask me that because im already going" i said as she laughed.
"alright see you there whore"

"bye hoe" i chuckled hanging up.

our friendship is like that, we call each other things like that nothing hurtful or harmless.

"you guys have a weird friendship" jack said chuckling.
"always have" i added as i walked downstairs.

"so you have a car?" i said as i opened the front door and walked out.

"yeah its in the garage" he said

"get it"

"nope we're getting picked up by a few of my friends" he replied as i nodded.


"wait jack how old are you?" i asked as he looked down at his phone.

"18" he replied not looking up.

"just making sure" i said as he looked up.


"no reason, hey are you mexican?" i asked as he looked up.

"no what the fuck, i'm jewish why does everyone ask me that" he said , while i laughed.

" because, you look really latino sir" i laughed as he rolled his eyes.

we stood outside for a few minutes until his friends pulled up.

"wassup" one of them said as they pulled up.

"that's our cue" he said as he walked up to the car doing handshakes with one of the boys in the front.

"who's your friend?" the boy asked smirking at me.

"sammy this is.." he trailed as i finished it


"very nice to meet you" he said looking at me up and down.

"likewise" i said opening the back seat door and getting in.

"oh and jack this is remy" he said as a blonde boy looked back at me.

"you both have the same names?" i asked as they nodded.

i chuckled "thats kinda cool"

well to the beach we go.

F U C K G I R L; J.GWhere stories live. Discover now