t h i r t y - f i v e

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i took an über to jacks pacing outside thinking about how i was gonna tell him.

i rung his door bell and stood outside and waited, my heart is beating fast i could feel it through my chest. i was terrified, but i wasn't leaving. not until he knows the truth.

he opened the door and his eyes were red and tears were running down his face.

"jack whats wr-"
"don't act like you don't fucking know remy!" he yelled over me.

  "sammy sent me the fucking video, why? i thought you loved me! i fucking loved you with all my heart and you broke it. i thought you'd be the one to change me but you hurt me too" he cried. "you are a slut, and i don't ever want to hear from you again. you are a cunt a low-life bitch. the sad part is i fell for your shit remy! my love used to be cold and shallow, chauvanistic and brutal but you changed that. you broke down barriers i out up to keep hoes like you from breaking. i don't think i could ever forgive you or myself for letting myself get this deep in love. remy i went from fucking every girl i seen to trying to please you and make a better life with you but you showed you true colors and it hurts! it fucking hurts! you warmed my heart but left me in the fucking cold. there is no more love in my heart for you anymore remy. i would've gave you the world and in return you give me shit!" he cried once more yelling even louder. "i hope he leaves you i hope you are happy with him remy because i was never happy with you. fuck you! take your shit and get the fuck away from me!" he said throwing my clothes at me.

"i thought you loved me" he said lowly tears falling from his face and now i was bawling, tears cascading down my face as well.
"i trusted you with my heart" he said
"i guess you won the bet" he added.

"jack please-" i got out before he slammed the door in my face.

i banged in the door and slid down it.

i cried out loud, i felt like i could drown in my tears.
"please!" i pleaded gripping my hair.

"let me explain" i called out in pain.

i stayed outside for two hours and he never answered.

i lost my love.

i lost my jack.

i cried writing this omg

F U C K G I R L; J.GWhere stories live. Discover now