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' Maybe it's the way you say my name

Maybe it's the way you play your game. '

Buses were moving , cars had covered the road creating a 15 minute straight congestion

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Buses were moving , cars had covered the road creating a 15 minute straight congestion. People were running to catch up with clock. Some were going office , some were heading off to college. Large buildings were everywhere, you can't able to find a piece of nature there. Let's leave the situation of ground but when you look up in the sky , this place is also booked, a plane in a minute , it's a total chaos, people also hadn't left the sea to live a quite life , big big ships and steamers were allover there. Some cars and bikes were moving like they had left something on their oven. Beside this the Big Ben is showing the worth of time to everyone. Also we can't miss the eye of London. This is London, the bustling, vibrant, multicultural, cosmopolitan city and the birth place of english language. In the middle of the road a very fine & handsome , decent looking man was having brisk walk as he was going to a very famous company named as Lee's Corporation. He entered in the company in a hurried manner and went straight to the front counter and said- " I am new here , I have come for my interview which is at 11 am."


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Counter woman- " Can I know your name?"
That man - " I am Song Kang."
Counter woman-" Thank you. Please wait a little our boss will be taking your interview. Your name is written on the VIP member's list."

After 1 h of waiting that woman called his name and told him to go to the 19th floor of that building . Like she said he went to the stairs , he had to use the stairs because he still was not an employee . When he reached the 19th floor he got to meet with a man in black suit , from the overall view of that man he was sure that , that man was a bodyguard. This floor was very quiet than others and the long alley was covered with abstract paintings . He observed each painting while following that bodyguard. Suddenly he came to a halt .

  Bodyguard-" You will be entering in this room . Don't make noise and any kind of reckless actions."

He then entered into the room. After entering there his eyes were able to meet two people in two different directions. One in his right was a stunning lady , she had a incomparable beauty, definitely one of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. On the other hand , in his left side a very rude looking man in his fifties. He gulped the remaining saliva in his mouth , sweats were started to form on his forehead , He then vowed to 90 degrees to his both side and said -" Good morning my respected sir and madam. I am Song kang from Australia. I have came here for a high paying job. "

That man- " First have seat please ."
Song Kang - " Thank you." He then proceeded to sit on the sofa placed in the middle of the room.

Song kang- " Before coming to london , I have worked in some top level companies of Australia."
That man- " I know all of your details. Your last company was Sim's company where you have worked for 1 year as a business executive. They also have paied a very large amount to have you in their company . "

Song kang- " Yes ! Sir. You are right."

That man- " It's not the all , in that time duration you have also dated a girl who is carrying a baby in her womb, you haven't knew that first but slowly you got to know that and you have left her after knowing. Am I right?"
After a moment of silence Song Kang replied- " Yes boss . You are right. But how you know so much things about me. "

That lady- " Father , let's tell him the truth."

That man- " hm.. Actually the person in your right side is my beautiful one and only daughter. She will be your boss in future. She is highly educated and have taken over the CEO position in last year. While she was in a trip previous year , she had an invitation in Sim's company and there she first saw you and felt attracted towards you. So she did a search on you . Like this when we saw that you filled an online form for a job in our company, on her request we quickly selected you."
After hearing this shocking news Song kang could not able to process his brain so he stayed silent.

That man - " But I want to ask you that why you come to london and have left that high paying job at first place?"
Songkang - " I was wanting to live in a distant place where my past can't be able to reach me , so , and I kind of feel like this company matches vibes with me , so."
That man - " ok good , as I have told before that my princess want a relationship with you so you can think on that topic , we are giving 4 days to you and from tomorrow you can join our company on regular basis. Another one thing if you agreed with that relationship we will be giving you my daughter's position and my daughter will take over my position and I will make a retirement of myself. That's all for today , have a good day. "
With this saying he left the room.
He was left alone in that room with that lady in bewilderment. 

That lady- " I am very embarrassed to present my self like this in our first meeting. But my father is always like this , he is a very clear cut person, and I can't say anything over him. Sorry for that."
Smiling a little Song kang- " It's ok. Actually it's too much information for me so."

That lady -" Do you want any snacks , tea or coffee, anything? "

Songkang - " No no it's ok . I am fine . I have my breakfast. "

That lady -" oh! ...umm.. then can we have a walk around the company?" 

Songkang- " yes sure. Between I still don't know your name madam."
That lady - " oh ! My mistake . I am Lee Yoo-Jung, CEO of this company. And don't call me madam , just call me by Yoojung."
Then they started to talk with each other and she showed the whole company and all departments and it's works. They also had lunch together . In just 4 days they became good friends and got familiar with each others.

4 days later---

Yoojung's father- " have you decided any thing?"
Song kang- " Yes."

Yoojung's father-" and what it is?"
Songkang- " I am excepting this relationship. "
Yoojung's father-" Nice! Guard , go and tell Mr. Kang to bring the papers." 

After 5 min a middle aged man came inside the room with a black colored file. Then he opened the file and placed it in front of Song kang.

Yoojung's father- " please sign the papers , after signing it you will become the new CEO of this company , we then publish the news, and also there are some other paper you have to sign ."
He signed all the papers one by one and came to the last one , this paper was very different than others, it was about their relationship and marriage, there also a line written that he had to give up on his title and placed a 'Lee' before his name after their marriage. He thought for a while and then he gave a signature under Lee yoojung's signature. 

Yoojung's father-" ok nice . In the coming month you two will get married. "

' And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine

I think that you are the one for me
'Cause it gets so hard to breathe
When you're looking at me, I've never felt so alive and free
When you're looking at me, I've never felt so happy... '


I am very sorry for the chapter as it's going to make you feel that everything is happening so fast but I have to keep it like that for the sake of the story plot , so please bear with me.

Love you all.❤️

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