PART- 3.

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'Don't be afraid
The shadows know me

Let's leave the world behind.'

4 years later----

A dark moonlight night

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A dark moonlight night . Sound of cold breezes and owls were coming from a dark forest side . A long and thin road made it's way through that forest but it lacked in lighting. As a result it was a complete dark road . Time was nearly 1 o' clock. A car at that time was passing through that road. That year's no 1 CEO was inside that car at that time with her one and only son. Jessica- " Chan!!.."

Chris-" yes mom! "

Jessica-" Are you afraid of this dark night?"

" No mom , I love nights."

" Good , you should not be afraid of nights , you are an alpha . Always remember that. Nights are the best thing in this world , they makes us feel what we are ."

" I am not afraid of anything in this world except your death , mom . I love you too much."

Smiling a little Jessica-" I am not dying any time soon , my baby , mama also loves you too much . You are the whole world to me."

" mum , where are we going? "

" It is a surprise ."

" A surprise!!!!????."

" yes , my baby". Then she pinched his cheek as he looked the cutest of all time when he got shocked.

Like every dark roads actually leading you to a more lighting place, like every happy moments comes after that traumatic sad moments and like these all, that car in that night crossed the forest length and took them to a lighting palace like sea side Manson.
That enormous house of almost 20 million dollars with the most finest design of all time , that mixed vibe of black with gold works was giving Chan a shocking excitement . He could feel the sea side cold wind which was continuously hitting on his bangs and revealing his sharp forehead.

" Mom, is it our new home ?"

" yes baby! Do you like it?"

" yes yes ! I like it too much . And it's the sea side."

" yes chan! Sea side. You like sea , right?

" yes ! I love seas. I want to marry them in future."

" hahaha. You can't marry that much seas. You can't be able to fulfill their hunger.
There is a red ribbon, cut it and open your gift. Happy birthday , my Chris."

" Thank you mom. "

Then Chan went inside that giant home . He was getting more and more shocked as he was exposing that Manson more .

" you remember that day when we were in a motel and I told you a line that I would make you a prince ?"

" no mom , but I am very much happy now."

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