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comment for motivation <3

Muse. Muse.


"You what?" Nadia was the first to burst out in disbelief, "you want him to be your muse? You rejected celebrities, models..."

"A muse is something you seek for, not something you accept," Caspian said sharply. "We seek for someone that gives inspiration to us. We don't have it forcibly placed on us. That is ridiculous."

"So...I give inspiration to you," Y/n repeated, his eyes widening, "um, is it because of the app, or something? Is there some underlying message to it? But why me, of all people?"

Why would a world renowned artist even approach him in the first place? Definitely not the soulmate or app thing, because first of all, Caspian glared super hard at him when he had even glanced at him, and second of all, dating someone's ex crush's brother was just...weird.

"Can you shut up and just accept?"


Aggrieved for literally no reason.

Actually, Y/n did a photography course a pretty long time ago. But that career choice went down the hill when he realized he wasn't special—that he was pretty much a reki kinnie the whole time. The half baked feedback had been endless, before he finally quit.

"Try taking the photos with more passion, maybe. It seems that your photos just lack...any meaning. Any thoughts. Any emotion."

Y/n glanced at a group of artists sprawled on the art gallery chairs. They all looked dead tired and sleep deprived. Y/n supposed they were there for some assignment, but only a few were actually awake. The rest were...sleeping.

With the rise of modern art, there was also another point in time in Y/n's life where he had briefly wondered if he was more suited for art than photography.

Then again, maybe not. Artists seemed to be a different breed entirely: sleep deprived animals living off validation and overdue deadlines at this point. Compared to their dismal position, Y/n would at least consider himself to be a tad lucky. After all, he already had a boyfriend! Though said boyfriend was overseas at the moment tackling family issues while Y/n had just matched with a world renowned artist who happened to be his former crush's brother. And also happened to be a merman.

"Hey, if you never quit photography, you two could have been like, art buddies. Wouldn't that be so cool?" Nadia whispered to him.

"Um, no. Photography was a lost cause..."

Y/n considered that perspective might have been one of the reasons why the photography professor at a course he took had marked his score so low: but he experimented and experimented, and in the end all the teacher said was something along the lines of: why did you even choose photography in the first place?

Those words kind of lulled Y/n back to the real word: shattered the brief fantasy he had about himself facing this spectacular challenge he had foolishly put upon himself, and all that was left was a shallow, worn-out kind of feeling resting in the pits of his stomach.

Maybe it was the stony realization that he might just flunk out of the course and end up like a mere beggar on the streets, or those kinds of artists who would make flimsy excuses for why their art never took off.

Which was basically how Nadia met Y/n—when he was at his lowest. All the colorful emotions had sprung up in the heat of anger—at that moment of time, Y/n L/n felt worthless.All his work and pain—months of editing, practicing..only for this to blow up in his face. How was he supposed to give emotions when his own are already drying up? It was like asking a person who has never received life in their whole life to give love. And ninety percent of the time those types of people end up being murderers.

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