Chapter 18 Cheer On, Marinette!

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    The new school year starts, and Marinette feels nervous. She has no idea what sorts of things the year brings with it. 

     During the first game of the season, the football players line up. Marinette gasps when she sees him. Is her eyes deceiving her, or is Adrien over there with the rest of the players?

      "Girl, don't look now, but Adrien Agreste is back," Alya remarks.

     "Yes, he sure is, and no one seems to know why," Chole adds.

       "Oh, I think I know," Lila sneers.

      "I  believe it is because of a certain bluenette on our squad," Alix adds.

        The game starts and Nino scores a goal.

     "Yes, Nino, that is my man!" Alya squeals.

    "Your man?" 

    "Yes, Nino and I are dating," Alya says.

      Everyone congratulates Alya on her good news. Then the cheerleaders get back to cheering on the boy's football game.

        Marinette can't seem to find her pom poms anywhere. She is frustrated because she is supposed to have it all together.  "Has anyone seen my pom-pomps?" She asked.

     "No, sorry, but you can borrow mine," Alix offered.

     Marinette took them grateful for such great friends.  "Come on, cheer on, Marinette!" Her friends called out.

  Marinette cheered louder than she had in a long time. She saw Adrien wink and blow a kiss at her as he ran towards the football set up in the middle of the field. She blushed and continued to cheer for him. She had not told the others yet that she was Adrien's girlfriend, but she felt they would find out soon.

      Later after the game when the team won 45 to 42, the boys all went out to celebrate, but Nino left with Alya. Adrien stayed around to wait for Marinette.

   The other girls saw him approaching them and were ecstatic about it. "Marinette, Adrien is coming our way.  I bet he wants to ask you out."

      "Funny you should mention that he already asked me out a few months ago, and I said yes!" Marinette bragged. "Girl, why did not tell us sooner?" Alix asked. "Yes, why didn't you?" Chole and Lila chimed in. I wanted it to be a surprise.  "Wow, wait until Alya hears this, she will be thrilled. She was shipping Adrinette right along with the rest of us." Alix says.

         "Adrienette?" Marinette blushes.

    "Yes, that is you and Adrien, 'cause you are great together," Alya says as she and Nino arrive together.

  "I thought you and Nino had already left," Marinette states.

   "We were going to, but Alya here forgot her sweater," Nino remarks.

     Alya hugs Marinette. "Okay, Nino, I have got the sweater," Alya states as she holds up the orange sweater she left on the bleachers earlier.  "Good, babe, now let's go!" Nino kisses her. "Nino, why did you do that in front of the girls?" "Babe, don't tell me you are ashamed of me?" Nino sounds a bit worried. "Nah, I was only kidding, I love you too, Nino." With that Alya and Nino left holding hands.

     Adrien came out of the boy's locker room looking all spick and span.  After the game, He had taken a shower and changed clothes so he wouldn't be sweaty for his girl. He saw the girls chattering. "Hi, I hope I am not interrupting anything," Adrien said as he pecked Marinette on the lips. "Awe, Adrienette is so cute!" The others cheered them on. "Adrienette?" Adrien asked. "It's your ship name with Marinette," Chole explained. "I see, well, then, in that case, I ship it too," Adrien said.

      Marinette blushes even more now. "So, do I, Adrien," Marinette explained. "I only wished I had released sooner how great a guy you are, and caught you sooner," She smiled. "What am I a fish?"  Adrien remarked.  "Ha, ha, what a tease, "Marinette giggled as he tickled her.

      Alix took a few photos. She sent a text message copy of them to Marinette.

      "Send me a copy of them too, Alix." Adrien requested.

   "Sure thing, Adrien," Alix stated.

        Marinette and Adrien went on their first date to a special place. Marinette had never taken anyone there before not even Luka. "You know what I love about this place?" "No, what?"  "That you and I can come here together," Marinette whispered.  Adrien wrapped his arms around her. He was glad she had finally come around and that he had stopped being so stubborn and asked her out.  

 The story continues in Chapter 19  

      Until then,

bye-bye, little owlets!

Summer out!





The Cheerleader & The New Football Player by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now