what if this was an ariel kind of situation

19 1 0

it commenced with a freckle of stars—
sweetly littering the empty spaces whole.
an oxford comma lightly dipped
upon the same cheek
that was dusted coral pink.
defined cupid's bow
shot me
an inescapable arrow.

yet, it seems, it was only i.

we test parallel,
no matter how far my hand extends,
it reaches nothingness.

the silver moon could only sigh
at a love—as steadfast as mine.

i could only feel the ebbing and flowing of waves
from beneath my ribs,
while you stand there in a mile's stretch,
sweet syrup tugging at the heartstrings of my heart,
like caramel spun,

it ultimately ended with me
wishing that the clouds wept you closer to the sea—
to me.

dedicated to haechan.

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