twinkling genesis

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expansive, swirling clouds of frigid gas and dust,
oh, nebulae! 
from thee was fashioned the birth 
of a wondrous star,
whose light — twisted and beautifully fractured 
— bends around gravity's pull.
only one thing remains perpetual: 
light that urges even the silver moon's

whether the fall of a seraph, 
or the fall of dead leaves fill a lacuna,
it is but grief.
the point of devastation is 
when mighty collisions dismantle you to the core,
and words 
break into its constituent letters 
creating worldly chaos.
but you courageously rebuke the stellar winds 
with a glow bluer than the raging pacific seas.

you stored bright — bright — star light 
that shone even better on christmassy winters, 
during which
the latticework of icicles would play a glissando.
your passion it burned — fiery — like hot sun, 
and grew the most spectacular of flowers 
in may season.

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