Prologue and 'Shattered'

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Hey y'all! This is my first story on Wattpad, so if you're reading, welcome! I have an account on called KUCFG - SHM. That's where I have a couple other stories that I don't have the motivation to finish. I am a mega huge fan of Sonic Prime, so here y'all go! The idea credits for this story go to thekyuubivixen's story 'My arms are blue!' on You all should definitely their stories, they are amazing! 'My arms are blue' is basically about how Sonic and his friends, along with rivals, get trapped in his and Tails's house, being forced to watch episodes of Sonic Boom! The fanfic is hilarious and is must-read. However, it has been discontinued, the writer hasn't updated the story for about 4 years. It really is a great fanfiction! This fanfiction is basically the same idea, but they will be reacting to Sonic Prime episodes! Again, idea credits to thekyuubivixen! Now, onward!

"Guys!! I'm sooo bored!" Sonic complained for what seemed like the millionth time that day. It had been months since Eggman attacked, and that left the others to deal with his impatient behaviour and short attention span.

Tails sighed in irritation, his tails twitching in annoyance. He turned to Sonic and tried his best to smile. "Sonic...! I am trying to work on the Tornado! Can't you go to Knuckles's for a bit? Please?!"

Sonic shook his head, frowning slightly. "You know he's busy with the Master Emerald! Shadow and Rouge are on a mission with Omega, the Chaotix are busy with another case, Silver and Blaze went back to the future already, and heaven knows that I'm not going to Amy's!" Sonic grumbled as he crossed his arms. Tails sighed heavily again, running a hand through his bangs.

"Then go on a run or something!" Tails snapped, clenching his fists tightly. He wasn't one to get angry, especially at his big bro, but the Tornado had left him agitated. Since when does one stupid bolt cause the engine to catch fire?! His ears lowered as he saw Sonic look guilty.

"Sorry Sonic, I've my hands full right now!" Sonic nodded, still feeling slightly guilty. He exited the workshop and grinned as he looked up at the blue sky. The slow breeze, the smell of nature, it was all relaxing for the blue blur. He took a few steps forward, ready to blast off, when suddenly, a small pain became noticeable in his back. He hissed, before pulling out a tranquilizing dart that was in his back. Oh, dear god no... He thought as his vision became blurry. His ears were ringing, his knees buckled as he fell onto the ground, something was wrong. Who did this?! Was his last thought before darkness took over his vision.

Ugh...what happened? Sonic's eyes weakly opened, darting around the room. Upon not recognizing anything, he shot up, getting into a battle stance. Soft sofas...cushions...blankets...a minifridge...bathroom...TV?! What kind of evil scheme is Egghead up to now?!

" head!" Could it be? He looked around and saw Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, and Rouge slowly stirring. "Guys! You're here too?! What kind of evil scheme do you think this is?" Shadow growled in annoyance as he looked away from Sonic.

"Yeah, I'm sensing a lack of lasers, spikes, evil robots, and a certain Egghead." Knuckles looked around surprised, but slightly agitated since he wasn't at the Master Emerald altar guarding it-HOLD UP! "Shit, Eggman better not have taken my emerald!!"

"Don't get your panties in a knot, sugar! If anyone was to steal that emerald, I would beat the Doctor to it anyday!" Rouge snickered as Knuckles crossed his arms angrily. "Where are we?" Amy's eyes locked onto Sonic, and she squealed loudly.

"Sonikku! Oh my gosh, thank goodness! I missed you!" Amy trapped Sonic in her infamous death hugs, and Sonic gasped for air desperately. "Can't...breathe...Ames..." Shadow found the whole situation slightly amusing, the Sonic suffering part, not being trapped in an unknown place part. "Oop! Sorry! I tend to get overly excited!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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