Chapter 3:You are fun

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Alastor woke up hearing someone walking up to the door and keys dangling, he was going to get up to see who was at the door but he couldn't because Louis was sleeping on top of him, he tried to wake him up, but Louis just stayed sleeping Alastor went to next to his hear whispering wake up, Louise just moved closer to his neck, get up someone's at the door, fine I will get up. As Louis was trying to get off Alastor he slipped and fell while pulling Alastor down causing them both to be on the floor, with Alastor on top of him before he could get off his mother already opened the door to see Alastor on top of Louis.

Alastor's Mom: "Oh, did I come at the wrong time"

Alastor quickly got off of me and hurried over to his mother to explain the matter, leaving me sitting on the floor wondering. (ugh, this is so embarrassing, but we can always relocate to a new place with a new identity, What do you think, what, we're going to need a new name, how about Jack, what are you serious, what not a good name, you're joking right? Of course, I am)

After Alastor was done explaining the to his mother, I got up to introduce myself, she apologized for jumping to conclusions, and I reassured her it was fine since anyone would think that. Alastor left to make breakfast leaving me and his mom alone in the living room.

Alastor mom: "Are you and my son dating"

Louis blushed bright red: "what no, we are just friends also, are you okay with your son dating a man"

Alastor mom: "Of course, all that matters is that my son finds someone he wants to spend his life with, so if you do, I will root for you"

I did not know what to say as I was just lost in my thoughts before I could say anything she grabbed my arm pulling me into the room after she let go, she went to the closet to find a book, and she told me to sit down on the bed to show me the book, it turns out it was a baby book about Alastor, she started telling me stories about Alastor when he was a kid after we were done looking through the book she told me to take care of her son before I could say anything else Alastor called us down that breakfast was ready we both went to eat breakfast. After we were done eating, I got up to say goodbye, I grabbed my coat and glasses as I went through the door, and Alastor followed me out through the door.

Alastor: "So, if you don't me asking what were you and my mother talking about"

Louis: "Sorry can't tell you, It's a secret between me and her," he said with a teasing smile on his face

After that night for the past weeks, me and Alastor would hang out and have fun, but my other self was not interested in hanging out with Alastor since he said we needed to make sure we got plenty of sleep so we could work. Louis and Alastor were at the bar drinking and talking, louis realized that it was almost completely night which meant his other self was going to be in control soon. I was drinking some whiskey I looked outside to see it was fully dark outside which means, I went back to look at Louis, his sweet smile was replaced with a cocky grin.

Alastor: "So you're in control now"

Louis: "Yep, that means I'm going to have some fun, bye giraffe"

I was about to say something but Louis was already over at the other table flirting with some Blond, so you're going to sleep with someone that's your fun, as I kept drinking I went back to look at Louis only to see he give me a wink before walking out the bar with her. I just ignored it after 30 minutes I decided to leave since I could see he ditched me. I left the bar, as I was walking home I heard shrieking screams coming from the forest. I walked to the spot where I heard the screaming only to see Louis stabbing the girl over and over he was covered in blood from head to toe, as I went closer Louis noticed me walking towards him, and he gave me a sweet innocent smile.

I went to flirt with the dumb blonde who kept staring at me, she was easy to manipulate, and it almost made me pity her well almost, after convening her to leave with me, she followed me into the forest as I grabbed her waist, she grabbed my face and kissed me, while she was distracted I stabbed her in the chest and I kept stabbing. This is so much fun, yeah I can see.     As I was finishing up I heard rusting In the bushes, I was ready to attack only to see it was Alastor.

Alastor: "I see you're having fun"

Louis: "Lots of fun, I have not done this in a long time, I missed this feeling," he said while twirling around with a big smile on his face.

Alastro: "You know I could have helped"

Louis: "Maybe next time, but to make it up to you, I could show you my famous recipe, and we can use her as the meat'

Alastor: "I'm not a big fan of eating human meat cook"

Louis: "That's because you never tried it my way, so"

Alastor: "Sure why not"

Louis: "Great"

I got up to get ready to drag the girl home but first I needed to get rid of this taste in my mouth, I could still taste her tongue in my mouth eww, this is why you should not have kissed her but I wondered what how he tasted like wait. Louise started walking over to Alastor grabbed his shirt collar and kissed him, Alastor was surprised by the sudden kiss, and Louise pulled away to see a shocked and confused Alastor.

Louis: "Thanks, you taste sweeter than I thought": I can't believe you kissed him, it was just a kiss

Louise scooped up the body and left, leaving Alastor in disbelief, but he recovered when Louise shouted out his name and asked if he was coming or not. They were now headed towards Louise's house. I placed the body in the kitchen as Alastor looked about. I took a bath before cooking. After I finished, I noticed Alastor was already in the kitchen preparing to cook, so I walked over to him and told him he should cut this piece like that so it wouldn't be gammy when we cooked it. After we finished cutting, it was time to season it and cook it, and Louise was teaching Alastor what seasoning to use when cooking human meat to bring out the flavor. After they finished cooking, they both sat down to eat.

Alastor: "It's good"

Louis: "Of course, it is good it's my recipe"

Alastor rolled his eyes at the comment.: "Can I ask you something"

Louis: "Sure"

Alastro: "Why did you kiss me"

Louis: oh that, I thought it was something serious, well I just felt like it, if you don't like it I won't do it again, ok, any more questions"

After hearing that for some reason hearing he won't kiss me again was upsetting me but why?

Alastor: "One, so when did you begin eating people"

Louis: "Let's see when I was ten and my butler at the time........."

As they kept eating and chatting, the night became darker, and Alastor decided it was time to depart. Louis accompanied Alastor out the door, and they both said goodnight, but before Alastor went, Louis said, "(I had fun, it was nice talking with you, bye al)" I was already a few steps away from the house, but I could still hear what Louis said, which made me quite happy for some reason. My heart was racing, maybe because of the alcohol or food.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter😅🥰

Word count:1340

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