Chapter 9:Deal

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Lucifer was in his room creating ducks for his daughter-in-law and his daughter while listening to Alastor's radio broadcast. After he finished the last detail on the ducks, he heard Alastor singing on the broadcast. Alastor would do that once in a while. Most songs were old classy songs, but some he told were about him like "One Two Foot". Lucifer would smile, but he also felt sad. His eyes filled with tears, but he would suck them up because if he had cried, hell would be affected as well. He was done with the ducks and got up to place them in his daughter's room. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He opened it to see she wasn't there. He put the ducks on the bed before leaving. He heard yelling coming from downstairs, so he teleported to see it was Charlie yelling.

Lucifer: "Apple pie, what's wrong"

Charlie: "Sorry Dad, I just wanted to call everyone down to do a trust exercise"

Lucifer: "Oh"

Everyone arrived, and Charlie left to grab something. Alastor teleported next to Lucifer and accidentally put his cane in front of Lucifer's leg, causing him to trip and fall. Lucifer got angry and used his tail to make Alastor fall as well, but his shadow caught him. Lucifer got up from the floor glaring at Alastor.

Lucifer: "Jerk"

Alastor: "My apologies, Your Majesty. It was an accident, "he said with a huge grin

Lucifer: "Liar, you did that on purpose to pisse me off"

Alastor" "Why would I do that shorty"

Lucifer: I am a normal height, it is not my fault you are tall as a giraffe

They started shouting at each other. Charlie returned with a jar. When she noticed them shouting, she approached them.

Charlie: "Dad and Alastor stop fighting"

Lucifer: "Sorry sweet heart it's just Alastor"

Alastor: "I did nothing it was your father"

Angel Dust: "Stop fighting and fuck already"

Lucifer's face turned red, He turned his face, while Alastor just glared at Angel Dust. Charlie told him to calm down. After they calmed down, she began to explain the trust exercise was simple, all they had to do was say something nice to the person they teamed up with. She showed them the jar full of paper notes with their names on it. Everyone didn't want to do this, but it was Charlie. They got up and grabbed a piece of paper. Husk got Angel Dust, Charlie got Cherri Bomb and Vaggie got Nifty, while Lucifer and Alastor got each other.

Lucifer: "Oh you got to be kidding me, Charlie can we switch partners"

Charlie: "Sorry Dad, but no this exercise is to build friendships"

Lucifer: "Ugh"

Charlie: "Now everyone sit next to your partner and say 2 nice things about the person"

Lucifer and Alastor stayed silent not knowing what to say until Lucifer broke the silence.

Lucifer: "Let's see um you have a nice smile I guess"

Alastor: "Thanks so do you, and your pancakes are not terrible"

Lucifer: "Thanks, and ...your singing is nice"

Alastor: what

Lucifer got up before Alastor could say anything else. He walked over to Charlie to tell her that he and Alastor were done with the activity and that he needed to go to a meeting with the Seven Sins. She said okay and thanked him for doing the activity with Alastor and for not killing him. He said bye before leaving through the hotel door. Alastor left through the shadows to Cannibal Town to meet up with Rosie.

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