Chapter 17:Closure

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On that day, Lucifer had to do whatever Alastor wanted for the day. They spent time hanging out in their room, with Alastor not wanting Lucifer to leave his side. They relaxed while Alastor admired his collections and guns, and they read together in bed. Alastor playfully nipped at Lucifer, leaving bite marks, which Lucifer didn't mind at all. He enjoyed seeing Alastor happy and in control of their relationship. As they lay in bed, Lucifer happily petted Alastor's ears.

Lucifer: " Alastor, Want to have kids"

Alastor: " I beg your pardon"

Lucifer:" I mean, can we adopt ducks to be our children, I know you dislike kids, so please"

Alastor:"..... Like the ducks from the park, you wanted to take"

Lucifer nodded happily, and Alastor, although reluctant at first, agreed, thinking it was better than adopting a child and dealing with crying. This made Lucifer very happy and he expressed his love for Alastor. The next day, they adopted two demon duck eggs. Lucifer said he would name one and Alastor would name the other.

Lucifer attempted to contact Heaven several times during the next three days. Lucifer awoke Sera one morning at 3 am and told her they might go to Heaven. They soon received a phone call from Azarel, who provided information regarding Alastor's mother. Lucifer was overjoyed and wanted to inform his daughter, Charlie. However, still fatigued, Alastor persuaded Lucifer to stay in bed for another hour. After checking that Alastor was sleeping, Lucifer left a note for Charlie and returned to the room before he woke up. When Charlie awoke at 8 am, she discovered the note and was overjoyed that it was now time for them to travel to Heaven. 

The entire hotel was planning to accompany them, except for Adam, who didn't want to go after falling to Hell. He also didn't want his friends or any others to see how he was doing. Adam complained, questioning why he had to go and where Lucifer and Alastor were. He subsequently decided not to go unless they were going. However, to his surprise, Lucifer and Alastor emerged from the elevator, and Lucifer, although a bit tired, appeared happy as he looked at everyone staring at them.

Lucifer: " My little apple pie, let's go make breakfast before we go to heaven"

Charlie: "Ok, Dad": she had forgotten and was about to go to heaven hungry.

They both headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Angel Dust was grinning and staring at Alastor, who was ignoring him. Vaggie was also helping with making breakfast. After everyone ate, they all got ready for when Lucifer would open a portal to heaven. At the gates, Saint Peter began talking to them.

 Lucifer had enough of his yapping and told him to open the gates now. Angel Dust ran inside the gates, pulling Husk to see it, while Cherri followed behind them. Charlie, vaggie, seeing them run, chased after them, telling them to slow down and that they had to see Sera first. Adam was trying his best to hide. He even tried to hide behind Lucifer, though Alastor got pissed at this, so Adam could no longer hide behind him. Lucifer looked at Alastor to see his reaction to seeing heaven, only to find that Alastor was not paying attention to heaven, but was looking at him.

Lucifer: "Love Please stop glancing at me and tell me what you think about heaven"

Alastor: " It is excessively bright and not my style at all, I loathe it, and you are more gorgeous to look at, my darling~.

Lucifer blushed scarlet and looked away while pulling down his hat, unsure how to respond, while Alastor smirked at this remark, Adam simply gazed at them, annoyed.

Adam: "Can you guys not fucking flirt in front of me"

Lucifer: "It is not my fault you are single, oh wait, it is"

~𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒊𝒏~Where stories live. Discover now