Chapter 16 - Bustle

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"Absolutely not."

"Oh come on, relax. We need supplies, and we're only a couple of miles away from a town."

Tia pursed her lips, arms folded across her chest. "Mixing with people is exactly what we are trying to avoid. I do not imagine many travellers pass through at this time of the year, and the last thing we need is a trail of gossip."

"It'll be fine," Neyerith reassured her, waving a hand and turning to Veanna. "Wouldn't you like some fresh food, Princess? Maybe some fruit?"

Veanna maintained her silence, her eyes on Tia. She tried not to get drawn into Neyerith's charisma anymore and wasn't about to weigh in now.

He continued nevertheless. "They should even have a market; we can hide in plain sight."

"A market?" Tia repeated sharply, drawing his gaze to her again. "You plan to take a princess somewhere with hordes of other people?"

"Look, we may as well stock up while we have the chance. The weather's only getting worse, and crossing the hills is going to take us away from civilisation for a week at least."

Tia's brow furrowed, and Veanna could practically see the doubts passing behind her eyes.

Neyerith shrugged. "If it would make you feel better, you can go and find whatever we need, and I'll wait at a safe distance with the Princess."

"No," she responded instantly, "I am not leaving you alone with her for that long."

"Then you wait with her, and I'll go into town."

"That would require me trusting that you will not sell us out. Or that you would even buy the correct items."

Neyerith clapped his hands together as though the matter was decided. "A group trip it is, then. Ready for your first real market, Princess?"

"I've been to markets in Beyall," Veanna responded quietly. She glanced down the valley, spotting the curls of smoke that indicated the town of Oakbridge. There was something both unsettling and relieving about being near civilisation.

"Ah, but this is true countryside trading - there's nothing quite like it."

She looked back up at Tia, waiting for her verdict.

The Outlander gave a sigh, releasing her crossed arms and pinching the bridge of her nose. "It will be a safe market?"

"A safe, small market," Neyerith assured her, a smile of anticipation already spreading.

"Very well," Tia conceded heavily. "But we get in and out as fast as possible, and we do not talk to anyone unless absolutely necessary."

"You take all of the fun out of things."


Neyerith's idea of a small market proved to be a bustling square, at least a hundred metres long and packed with stalls and people, with more spreading into the adjoining streets. The air brimmed with a cacophony of sounds and smells, the event more hectic than any Veanna had seen, and all she wanted to do was stand in the centre and gawp.

As the three of them stood concealed in an alleyway, Neyerith pre-empted Tia's reproof as she turned a scowl on him. "Look, this is small - city markets cover several squares." She still looked ready to drag him back the way they had come. "We're here now, and the activity will hide us."

She gave a heavy sigh. "Fine. We should get this finished as quickly as possible. I will find us better sleeping equipment for the weather to come, and more medical supplies." She pointed at Neyerith, drawing out her waterskin and indicating Veanna should do the same. "You buy food and drink - no alcohol."

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