Chapter One

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I never thought that sneaking into a graveyard would take this much effort. It looks so much easier in the movies, you know? Hop a fence and then you're good. But of course, this cemetery wants to make me work for it. I've already crawled through some bushes, getting covered in dirt in the process, and almost had an unfortunate incident with a squirrel, but luckily all I have left to do is squeeze through the gap in the tall black wrought iron fence.

"Remind me to murder you later," I hear from behind me.

I glance back to see Mona grumbling as they swat at the leaves touching their face.

"Do you know that's the third time you've said that in the last five minutes?" I ask as I push my bag through the hole, finally pull myself through the gate, and barely manage not to face plant onto the flat tombstone in front of me. I stand up and start dusting off my jean shorts and oversized yellow t-shirt.

"And it won't be the last," Mona argues, following me in. "It's a Friday night, which means we're supposed to be at my house, watching movies and eating junk food, not waltzing into a cemetery at eight o'clock."

I finish dusting myself off and, with a smile, reach a hand out to them, pulling them up from the ground. "I appreciate the company."

Mona gives me a deadpan look before fixing their black leggings and shirt. "The only reason I'm here is because I can't have you sneaking off and then coming around the next day with a new "pet" that you found and think you can domesticate."

"That happened one time!"

"Twice, actually," they counter.

"In my defense, that raccoon was all alone, plus it looked super friendly and I still think we could've given him a good home."

Mona laughs, shaking their head, and I can't help but join in, remembering the ten minutes of wholesome cuddles we got from Whiskers before he bit and scratched at us until we let him go and he ran off, never to be seen again. Were we rushed to the hospital and had to get shots after that? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

They reach a hand out towards my head and I wait as they untangle a twig from my short blonde pigtails and drop it into my hands before checking their pink, overgrown pixie-cut curls for stray leaves. "What exactly are we doing here?"

I brush some dirt off their jean jacket, careful of the pins, and smile at them. "I'm glad you asked." Reaching for my backpack on the ground, I unzip it and pull out my camera. "I wanted to get some shots of the cemetery for the school's art showcase at the Fall Festival."

"And you couldn't do that during the day?" Mona asks, exasperated.

I shake my head. "This whole place looks different at night." I look around us, taking in the rows of tombstones and the mausoleums that look a lot more menacing when they're covered in shadows. "More ominous."

Mona nods. "Let's get your pictures so we can get out of here."

I use the strap on the camera to hang it from my neck and move closer to Mona to link arms with them. Together, we make our way to the nearest path of asphalt.

"You're too good to me," I say with a smile.

They grin and shake their head. "I know."

We talk a bit as we go, Mona allowing me to guide them wherever I want to, with only a little grumbling. After half an hour, I manage to get some good shots of the different headstones and the scary looking trees in the background. The only light we have comes from the full moon above us.

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