Chapter 2: School Shopping

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If I never Knew You

Chapter 2

School Shopping

Penny threw her backpack in the back of the gadgetmobile. Her hand held the list as she climbed into the back of the car.

Gadget watched her over his shoulder, she really wanted to go to school. It was such a strange desire, he remembered going to school in his youth and he hated it. More often than not being teased for his wild hair, and large nose. He was so glad that his sister had wonderful wavy hair, and a tender nose. He never found himself jealous of his sister's looks, rather he felt thankful that she didn't have to endure the harsh words from the people around them.

Besides, Penny loved him anyway. As per usual her tiny finger wound around his pinky as they crossed the road into the large store. Luckily his fame as Inspector Gadget put a hefty wad of cash into their account and they didn't have to live in that tiny apartment anymore. Actually they were able to buy the house that Dr. Anthem had offered. She said she'd rather live in a tent then go back to that house.

Gadget didn't understand her desire not to go back to the home she and her family had built till he himself had gone to see. There were pictures all over the walls, toys of various designs, even the artist studio her eldest had painted was full of images of them plastered on the wall along with newspaper clippings of her husband who was an officer right next to Gadget.

Out of respect he helped her box everything up and store it in town. She could go back at her leisure while they rebuilt the observatory. Luckily she had insurance or she'd be staying in the safe houses like he had. Something told him that she'd rather have liked that. She was a basic woman, and didn't like a lot of space.

It wasn't a big house really. It was big enough for himself, Penny, and their dog Brain. Such an odd name for a dog, but it wasn't his choice.

"Alright kiddo, what's on the list?" He looked down at the paper, but he wanted her to read it to him. She was getting so good at it. At least to him anyways. She still got stuck on spelling. Like school, she couldn't spell it right for the longest time. Skool was the best way she could, and oh Psychic was also a spelling error. It always ended up without the H.

"Alright...backpack, got it, pencils, crayons, scissors..." the list went on for a moment till she got to the bottom. "An old long shirt for painting, an apron for baking, and gardening supplies? That'" She looked up at Gadget as she held up the list. He looked over it, and it indeed said gardening supplies.

"Wonder what that means, gardening supplies? It does sound fun, I do love to garden." He did, he had a patch of Posies in the yard that he watered often. He was often thinking of making a small veggie garden in the back for tomatoes, lettuce, onions, and carrots. The usual stuff, but for now, he had to get Penny into school before they did anything.

"Oh wow..." Penny saw a girl point at a pair of shoes in the window of a store. Penny wasn't knowledgeable about fashion, and to be fair her uncle wasn't either. A gray trench coat and hat with a bright blue tie. It wasn't all the rage. Sometimes Penny wondered if her uncle was ever going to get married.

"Penny?" She looked up at her Uncle who looked a little concerned. "If you want new shoes for school we can get some." She gave him a small soft smile. If there was one thing about her uncle he was always supportive.

"Oh, I think my shoes are fine." She looked down and suddenly realized just how horrible her shoes looked and it was probably the fact that she tended to wear shoes so long that they practically fell off her. "Well okay then." She took his pinky and they walked into the store.

Penny was incredibly frugal when it came to purchasing items. Especially after she learned how to coupon from Dr. Anthem. She looked around the store for a good few minutes before she found some good shoes that wouldn't bore a hole in her uncle's pocket. She heard someone giggle in the chairs next to them. She turned a little to see that it was once again that same little girl that was pointing out the shoes. She had a friend holding up a pair of shoes with a disappointed look.

"Granny shoes." they giggled. Penny looked at her shoes, and then at them and then just shrugged.

"They're just shoes." She picked up the shoe box and went over to the cashier. Her uncle put down a huge box next to hers. His feet dwarfed hers. She could probably line up her feet four times to make the length of his.

"I think you could fit inside my shoe box." He said playfully. She giggled at the notion before hearing the giggling girls behind them. Gadget turned and winked at them, they giggled even more.

"Well how are you ladies?" He gave a small bow. A bunch of flowers popped out the top of his hat. They both giggled before taking the flowers.

Penny hated that so much, the way the girls fawned over her uncle. They paid for the shoes before leaving the store. She was glad they got away from the least that's what she thought. They kept following them around the mall remarking on all the things she ended up getting. At first it was seen as a joke to Gadget till he saw the anger written on Penny's features. The girl hardly ever gritted her teeth like this. Penny honestly hoped these girls weren't in her class...or even in her school.

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