Chapter 7: Run...

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If I never knew you

Chapter 7


Penny's fingers ran along her now empty lunch box. She could have stuffed it into her backpack which was a lot lighter now that a lot of her stuff was in her desk or cubby.

She climbed into her seat on the bus and sat by the window. Her forehead rested against it. It was incredibly beautiful outside. The leaves had started to turn scarlet and yellow. She did love this time of year. Her uncle will soon pull out the camera and once again take family photos.

The buildings they frequented since she was an infant rested beyond the glass. The soft platter of rain began to fall. The wet streets told her that the rain had been falling every so often today. She wondered just what her uncle had done today. Knowing him, he was probably fretting the whole day away.

Gadget was known for putting on a brave face, but behind it all he was just as worried as most parents would be for his niece. She was all he had, and she was sad to say he was all she had. She was glad however that she did indeed have him. She would do anything in her power to protect him. The fear of being alone like Dr. Anthem scared her.

The bus slowly stopped at yet another stop. The gentle goodbyes of each person as they got off. The bus monitor checked off yet another student's name on her clipboard.

The bus lightly glided over the small bridge going over the river that surrounded the city. Riverton was always a lush and vibrant place. The River circled around the city which gave it the cute homely name.

The bus stopped behind what seemed like a long line, with many different police officers. A routine stop? Penny wondered who was on the team today. Maybe she'll get to see the chief.

She looked out the window as the officers came into view. Her smile disappeared. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the people in uniforms.

She noticed them flashing a picture to the car's. A missing kid? It wasn't completely unheard of for law enforcement agencies to have cooperations with one another. Especially with missing children.

"Oh no..." One of the girls scooted closer to the window trying to see the picture.

"Yeah told you, she was to ugly to be with the famous Inspector Gadget." Amanda snorted as she looked at Penny who narrowed her eyes as she tried to see the picture. It was indeed her.

The officer walked over and flashed the picture to the bus driver. The bus driver pointed to the back of her bus only to see the emergency exit door wide open and Penny was completely gone.


Gadget held the umbrella up over his head, a soft hum escaped his processor. There was a soft ring from his finger.

"Ah, my super secret phone." he pulled it out from hiding and answered like he normally did. But instead of the chief it was Dr. Anthem.

"The CB chatter on the buses has begun to go a mile a second Gadget!" Ren's words were flying over the microwave mobile line. "Penny's bus was stopped and Claws men were dressed as police officers."

Gadgets mouth went dry, Claw had Penny, his Penny...again!

"She ran!" Anthem yelled. "She's downtown! We have to find her before they do Gadget!" Anthem called out. Before the line cut Gadget was already in his car and blowing through the streets toward the downtown area. He needed to find her, he needed to get to her before Claw did.

It was a race against disaster.

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