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he grabbed his drink and went to his room as carina grabbed his arm with a drunken glaze. he snapped back his arm by his side making her move back. 'what the hell do you want.' he demanded. carina walked to him and fell as he stepped back as she hit the ground he looked at her in rage. 'leave me the fuck alone.' he said. carina got up and walked to him and tried to touch him as he moved he moved behind her. 'what the hell do you want?' he demanded once more with a glare. 'im..sooorry..i didnt meean to leaave you behindd thaat night' she said slurred. he glared at her. he felt a small feeling of guilt but knew it was just manipulation he walked away to his room and unlocked it and opened it and closed it and locked it. he walked slowly over to corina. he sat down and woke her up softly by gently shaking her. 'hey..i have some of this drink for you.' he said softly. he pulled out the straw and put a new one in and handed the drink to her as she sat up. she sipped the drink slowly as she looked up at him with her sleepy soft eyes and said. 'thank you..im so tired.' she said laying down. he touched her head softly as his large hands stroked it. soft strokes were ran through her silver hair as he looked at her with captivation. he felt relaxed as his strokes got softer. he got up and slept in the bed next to her as he looked at her and softly closed his eyes as he slept. corina moved in her sleep as her eyes burst open in fear and saw renato sleeping peacefully in the dark with the room dimly lit. her fear faded to relief. she got out of her bed as she flipped the blanket off her. she scurried over to him and watched his relaxed slumber. his dark brown almost black long eyelashes slightly batting with every movement. his pink lips moving with every tense muscle. his small yet not too small nose breathing in air as his muscular chest rose and fell with every breath softly. she reached out her hand but stopped when she remembered his face when he saw her choke on liquor. he must hate her. she pulled her arm pack to her side as she got up. she unlocked the door and opened it as she saw carina run down the hall and grab her arm as she screamed at got hit against the wall. she screamed. 'renato help!' carina threw her to the ground as carino grinned psychotically. she hit corina and grabbed her hair and threw her across the bar. corina groaned in pain. renato was behind carina as he grabbed her throat and slammed her against the wall. 'get the fuck out of her and away from me before i drag you to god myself and rip your head off in front of everyone.' he said. she ran off and renato watched her run. he ran to corina and grabbed her hand and pulled her up. corina touched her head and looked at her finger that was stained with golden blood. renato looked at her head and touched it slightly as she winced in pain. he grabbed one of the bartenders cloths with water and cleaned off the blood gently. he threw the cloth to the bartender and looked at corina with concern. he lifted her chin up so he could see her face and looked solemnly at her head. 'are you okay corina?' he asked with slight concern appearing in his voice like he was trying to mask it. 'im fine..' she said softly. he looked into her eyes as the gold overtook the other darker goldens in her eyes. his pupils dilated slightly as he looked at her. he had a riveted gaze as his eyes kept looking into hers. she looked up at him as her eyes looked at his blue eyes. he let her chin go softly as he looked away. 'lets go..' he said softly. corina walked with renato like a lost dog.

baphomet opened the bag with his face happy waiting for the object he knew was going to be in there. he opened it as his smile changed to a frown. what? where was it? there was nothing in there! he looked through every pocket and couldnt find it. asmodeus's dust. someone took it.

renato looked at corina. 'you have the object,right?' he asked. corina nodded as she pulled out the dust. 'good. id hate for you to risk your life and be rewarded with nothing.' he said. renato's blonde hair blew through the air as he and corina flew up and flew to the edifice. 'we'll need to return it to uriel quick,he doesnt like to wait. i cant believe you even said yes. hes very egotistical and narcissistic.' he said with slight rage. corinas wings flapped faster as they landed at the edifice. he walked in front of corina as she followed behind. he clicked the elevator. he waited till it opened and clicked floor 3783. 'isela should be here so be careful. she's attached to me so she likes to question people i talk to.' he said staidly. he walked through the elevator as it opened. renato looked back to see corina's head following him as he gave a slight smile. he looked back to the front of him and opened the door as uriel smiled with his back facing to them. his eyes looked out the window as he turned around. 'so..do you have it cori?' he asked imperiously. renato shot a sharp glare with a hint of confusion at him then at corina when he heard the nickname he had for her. he looked back at uriel with a frown. corina nodded. she pulled out the bag of the dust and handed it to uriel. uriel grinned at corina. 'good girl.' he said confidently as he patted her head. corinas cheeks slightly flushed from embarrassment as he stroked her head. uriel looked at her warmly as he looked into her eyes. he let his hand draw back to his side as he grinned at renato. 'good work with the trainee, general. keep it up and you could finally get out of this military rank and to a higher rank. he grinned at both of them. 'alright thats it for tonight.' renato and corina left as corina went first. 'corina wait.' uriel said. 'ill be watching you cori. gotta keep an eye on my best girl.' he grinned as they both left and renato looked at him with a glare as he left and the door shut. uriel stroked back his hair in relief. 'that girl is something.' he said smugly. renato and corina walked down the city as he looked at her concerned but with a glare. ' so..cori huh? how did he come up with that?' he asked. 'ah..i dont mind besides its not like i can stop him..he's a seraphim.' she said looking away. 'im one too..' he said. corina looked at him suprised. she forgot how high ranked he was. 'oh yeah..i forgot..your not that scary to me anymore i mean you still are but less.' she said with an awkward smile. 'hm..well your not as weak as i thought you were.' he said teasing with a smile. she smiled at him as she looked up and saw someone in the sky. silver short hair,silver eyes,pale skin. isela? isela landed fast as she looked at renato. 'come with me renato..i need to tell you something.' she said with a blush painted across her cheeks. she grabbed her hand and flew him to her office as she glared at corina seconds before she flew off. corina looked suprised as the glimpse of her glared at corina. it was a glare of jealousy. she looked up as she frowned. what are you doing isela. isela threw him against the wall as she ripped off his shirt. 4 rows of muscles that were hard and pale.'i cant stand you with her.' she said as she looked at isela with a begging stare. renato looked at her with a glare. 'what are you doing..?' he asked. she closed her eyes as she tried to kiss him he stopped her mouth with his hand. she looked down to see a bulge. anything. anything to show he liked her. but there was nothing. he just had a cold glare at her like he always had when he looked at her. 'i..love you..i think.' she pleaded. renato's eyes widened as he looked at her. 'isela..your not my type im sorry.' he said buttoning his general jacket back up. uriel stood by isela's door as he saw the door was slightly open and looked through it and saw isela looking at renato as he buttoned up his jacket. he grinned as he flew to corina. renato left the door seeing it wasnt closed. he hoped no one saw anything. he opened the door and closed it leaving isela crying. later corina was training as she punched targets as they punched back she dodged it while arching her back she kicked their head knocking the target down. uriel landed behind her. 'cori..' he grinned. corina turned around fast as she heard his voice. 'ah..uriel..what brings you here my holiness?' she said. he stepped forward as he lifted her chin up. 'nothing special cori.just had to show you something.' he said sadistically. he showed her the picture of renato and isela. corina felt her heart drop. she didnt like him or she didnt think she did. but something about it hurt. ' i guess their pretty serious huh cori.' he grinned not looking at her. he looked at her face. painted with anguish and torture. his face softened as he saw how hurt she was from the picture. uriel put the photograph on the floor and tilted her chin up. 'im sure its nothing exclusive.' he said wanting to hold her. she laid her head on his chest. 'im sorry i just i..' she said scared. he pulled her close as he stroked her head. 'dont worry about it cori..just dont worry about anything right now.' she looked still shocked with sadness as her eyes widened. she buried her head in his chest as he stroked her hair. she wrapped her arms around his back as he looked down at her. 'just stay here for now cori.' her silver hair blew through the wind as his dark hair moved slightly as he held her. he looked at her with a warm smile. he stroked her hair softly. her head rested against his muscular body. his defined arms holding her head. her cheeks flushed red. she pulled back as she looked at him with a smile. uriel looked at her with that gaze. that gaze was so tempting. he looked at her golden eyes. 'lucius was terminated.' he said. corinas eyes looked up at him in shock. 'i told you id always be watching you. when i heard what he did to you i just had to terminate him, hes not fit for paradise.' he smiled. corina looked up at him with slight concern. 'what did you do to him..' corina asked. 'dont worry your pretty little head about it cori.' he smiled sinisterly. 'ah..well i have to go cori,duty calls. youll be okay?' he asked. corina nodded. 'ill be good uriel thanks.' she smiled. he smiled smugly as he flew up and was gone in under 3 seconds. corina watched him leave as she smiled. uriel landed in a room with metal walls and a clean up crew. lucius was there,he was cut and bruised and terrified with his hands tied and his mouth covered with his legs tied together. uriel walked and bent down to where his legs were holding him up with his arms resting on his knees and his torso low enough to look lucius in his golden eyes. uriel looked at him with a sadistic look. 'your not fit for such divinity' he smiled as he sat up and put on plastic gloves. lucius grunted and groaned in fear. 'and now you'll pay.' he smiled. 'dont worry you wont get sent to hell.' his voice lowered almost to a growl. 'but you'll wish you did.' he grabbed a knife and looked at it with a sadistic look. a sinister smile. a lustful gaze. uriel walked to lucius slowly as lucius screamed and cried. uriel bent down again and grabbed his jaw pulling him closer to his face. uriel slowly cut his face. 'all the pain you caused corina.' he whispered. he stabbed the knife through his jaw throwing his head away from him. lucius screamed in pain as uriel ripped off the tape covering his mouth. the blood dripped down lucius jaw as he stared at uriel in fear. 'funny thing about souls, they can feel all the pain,emotions,love,lust just like when they were human. but when your an angel you feel..more..but your no angel are you.' lucius begged. 'please..im so sorry please just let me live.' 'let you live..?' uriel asked. 'you dont have such a privilege.'  uriel grabbed a sword and raised it as lucius looked at him in fear. 'please..please..im begging you please don-' lucius was cut off as uriel cut his neck. blood squirted out as it splattered on the walls. uriels eyes widened as he looked at the gorey scene and smiled sadistically and kept on stabbing lucius until he couldnt hear the sounds of stabbing anymore covered by his laughing. uriel dropped the sword and looked at the bloody mess that was lucius. brains scattered on the floor. blood flooding the room. lucius looked at the clean up crew and left and blood dripped off his wings.  uriels gaze was staid. uriel walked down the hall as blood driped off him as his grin faded.

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