Chapter 1: Return of the Prism

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Ten years ago, the Ninja Nexus Prism fell out of the sky, right into their backyard

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Ten years ago, the Ninja Nexus Prism fell out of the sky, right into their backyard.

Brody's dad said it came to us for a reason.

He removed its metallic crust.

Inside the prism was the mysterious Ninja Nexus Star.

Somehow, his dad was able to reach right into the solid prism and pull it out.

He had no idea of its legendary power.

I was outside training with Brody....when a monster came... and everything changed.

"Dad! Aiden, help!" said Brody, calling for help.

"Help!" I said, screaming so loudly.

"Brody and Rayna are in trouble." Mr. Romero put the Ninja Steel into a bag and gave it to Aiden. "Take the Ninja Steel and hide it. Aiden, until I come back, you stay hidden too. Like a ninja."

"Okay, Dad," said Aiden.

He hugs him. "I love you."

Aiden hugs him back. "I love you too, Dad."

He rushed outside with his sword and saw the monster holding Brody. I had hid out of sight where the monster couldn't find me with the green ninja star.

"So you're the Ninja Master!" said Galvanax.

"Let Brody go!" said Mr. Romero, bravely.

He lets Brody go. "Of course! You're surrounded anyway."

Brody runs over to his dad.

"You're not going anywhere!" said Ripcon, showing up with Madame Odious.

They all giggled.

"Now, give me the Ninja Nexus Star!" said Galvanax.

Mr. Romero pulls out the Ninja Nexus Star.

"You can't give it to him, Dad." said Brody.

"He has no choice!" Galvanax aims his sword at Mr. Romero and shoots a beam at him.

Mr. Romero blocks it with the Nexus Star, which empowers him and turns him into a warrior. Brody got pushed over to the side for his side for his safety.

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