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Richard Webber was a kind man, something he prided himself on. Sure, he could be stern, but only as was necessary. After all, he ran a surgical department in a major hospital, his role practically required the man to have a mean streak. Aside from those infrequent situations, he did his very best to be kind, warm, and welcoming. 

The woman who stood before him was not warm, nor welcoming. He couldn't say she wasn't kind, due to the fact that she had only walked into his office approximately twenty minutes prior to his observation. Naturally, she was smiling, but it was an interview, it was practically an entry requirement to any role to be able to greet peers or colleagues kindly. But this woman - Rosie Archer - smiled as if it was greatly paining her to do so. Richard imagined her cheeks hurt, as, although she was thirty-three, no smile lines were gracing her eyes. 

Rosie was professional, she presented herself exceptionally, sat straight, legs crossed, dainty stilettos adorned her feet, and her frame was covered by a deep red, alike the colour of wine, pantsuit. Her hair was down, likely straightened, and a small black purse lay by the coat rack, her black trench hanging on it. 

Alongside her obvious politeness, and clear skill based on her extensive resume, Richard hadn't gotten any sense of the woman's personality. Sure, she showed herself off, and walked her surgical skills and achievements, alongside her time in Africa, up and down the walls of his office, a small smile on her face as she detailed the ins and outs of her career thus far. Yet, she wasn't waffling on, she was concise, calm, and collected.

She was everything that Richard needed in a cardiothoracic fellow. Despite the fact that Richard did not have any slots open for a fellowship position in the cardio department, Rosie had only reached out to complete the last year of her residency, she hadn't mentioned her fellowship plans. 

Richard paged Burke as Rosie spoke about her time in Africa. 

"Dr. Archer," Richard interrupted, setting his pager down, "what are your plans for fellowship?"

"Well, Sir, as I previously mentioned, I plan to specialize in Cardio," she gestured greatly with her hands as she spoke, and Richard internally struggled not to move the vase of flowers in front of her, "Currently, I plan to apply to Mayo and John Hopkins-

"Not Stanford?" Richard enquired, "Isn't that where your father studied?"

"Yes, it is, but I don't want to be shadowed by my father's achievements."

Richard hummed in agreement, choosing not to comment on a situation he was barely knowledgeable on, "I am willing to permit you to continue your residency in my hospital, Rosie, but I will have conditions to your acceptance."

"Of course, sir." she grinned, her smile seeming much more genuine this time, containing her excitement at being offered a position. 

"Firstly, I want to make it clear that you cannot prioritize a certain field, namely cardio. This hospital is centered around pride of our teaching methods and standards, and no resident or intern is allowed to hog any given field, in order to ensure a well-rounded education."

"Of course, that makes perfect sense."

"That being said, I'm sure Dr. Burke will take you under his wing and teach you everything you wish to know," he reassured, "secondly, if a fellowship in cardiology were to present itself at this hospital, I would expect you to apply, given the opportunity you are being gifted to complete your residency here."

The woman simply nodded in agreement. 

Burke knocked at the door, entering as Richard nodded him in. 

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