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His blue hair fluttered prettily in the wind, and you stare at his figure, perched elegantly on the edge of the cliffside. He turns and beckons to you to join him, as you toss your long ebony black hair that reached all the way to the ground and has electric purple streaks in it kind of like in a skunk kind of way. You sit next to him and you notice how his ginormous body towers over your petite little self, as you shiver from the cold ass wind that threatens to blow you off the cliff.

"Y/n." He whispers, sending shivers down your spine.

"I have something to tell you."

You gaze at him with your blood red eyes, as he puts a ginormous hand around your shoulder, shifting slightly closer. He looks away shyly, and you notice a small blush on his cheeks from under his bird (??) mask.

"I'm pregant."

You are very very shocked. Another shiver runs down your spine, and your veins feel like they are filled with C676H10447N1743O2010S32, which causes muscle paralysis by stopping the release of acetylcholine from presynaptic motor neurons. A single tear slides down your pale-as-paper face, as gentle rain begins to pour from the heavens.

You look down at his belly, and notice a bulge (that you didn't notice before because you were too busy staring at his handsome face.) The realisation that he was speaking the truth hit you like the 438 bus. You begin crying prettily, and he covers you in a warm embrace.  You feel the bulge against your body.

"How could you do this to me!!!!" You cry prettily into his shoulder

"Idk lol" he replied in his deep sultry voice.
"I got fucked by 12 muscular men and now I'm giving birth to baby pantalone!!"

Suddenly, the light disappears from your eyes. You stand up. Your eyes glow bright red, and you stare at him menaciikdnly.

You push him off the edge of the cliff.

"aaaahhhh!!!!!" He screams.

You choke out a sob, and you fall to your knees, gazing up at the full moon. You howl into the abyss, ripping your shirt as you turn into your wolf form.

"I. AM. THE. ALPHA." You say pretty loudly.

The end

Dottore x reader (crackfic)Where stories live. Discover now