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Chiron had updated his status:

Ok guys we r going to interview percy and his father, Annabeth and her mother and see which is more like eachother. I will ask a question and of the people have to same answer they get a point.


Percy: uhh Chiron what is the point of this...?

Chiron: I'm bored that's why!! I need something to do

Connor: here we see that a bored Chiron is a grumpy Chiron

Annabeth: Rodger Rodger

Chiron: ok first question:
what is your favourite colour?

Leo: OMG u know the answer to that Chiron

Chiron: Leo, this is my interview!

--Leo has logged off--

Connor: here we see that Chiron can be very very scary

Percy: blue

Poseidon: Blue... duh

Connor: here we see the stupidity of this interview

Annabeth: Orange

Athena: purple

Athena: what! Annabeth! U don't like purple

Annabeth: well I do like it but I really like orange

Athena: u have failed me

Connor: here we see that Annabeth has failed Athena again


Connor: never :P

Chiron: ahhhhhhh

Chiron: ok, next question: what is your quest?

Percy: to have all foods blue!!!!

Connor: here we see Percy's obsession with blue

Poseidon: to fight with my brothers

Athena: to break up percabeth

Annabeth: to read all the books in the world

Connor: here we see one quest that will never happen and then one that might

Annabeth: thank u Connor

Percy: that will never happen Athena. U will fail UR quest

Chiron: what is the air-speed velocity of a flying swallow?

Chiron: here we see a rediculious question

Percy: WHAT!! I have no idea

Poseidon: what type of interview is this

Connor: here u see that water people have no intelligence

Athena: an Africa swallow or European swallow?

Annabeth: an Africa swallow or European swallow?

Connor: here we see the opposite of sea people

Chiron: idk, ok interview done. Each team has one point sooooo, it's a tie!!

Percy: can we leave now

Chiron: yup

--Everyone has logged off--

Connor: here we see everyone is now bored

--Connor has logged off--

-----------hey guys, anyone notice the mash up of Monty Python and the Holy Grail questions. A hilarious movie, u should watch it. Lyra has logged off-------

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